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With a wink, he disappeared out the door.


Sophie woke with a start. She kicked her legs to untangle the sheets entwined around her sweaty legs. Blinking the sleep away, she reached toward the other side of the bed, her fingers hitting lush fur.

Zack and Bailey were snuggled together. Yeah––her landlord’s dog. Not her hot landlord.

A dream.

Just a dream.

Time to hit replay. Nick had her pinned against the shower wall, buried to the hilt, her legs wrapped around his waist and his teeth grazing her neck. Steamy water coursed over them. No wonder she was burning up. Their passionate lovemaking had seemed so real.

Shaking off the dream and her sheets, she rose and headed to the kitchen to brew coffee. Before she sat down to write, she’d mainline caffeine and walk Bailey. Or as the older gentleman pruning his bougainvillea yesterday had called out, “Miss, who’s walking who?” She’d laughed because clearly, Bailey was in charge.

Only problem: having Nick’s dog around caused her to fixate on him more.

Time to escape from her obsessive thoughts about Nick and spin that energy into her book’s hero. Maybe she could use her racy dream as inspiration for a spicy scene.

* * *

Sophie’s phone buzzed––atext from Kelly alerting her she was almost to the cottage. She ran out the door and greeted her friend after she parked her cute cherry red hatchback.

Kelly wrapped her into a bear hug. “You weren’t exaggerating how beautiful it is here.”

“Isn’t it? Just like you. I’m so happy you’re here.” She stepped back and admired her best friend’s long beachy waves and unusual caramel-colored eyes.

Sophie grabbed Kelly’s hand. “Come see my awesome new place.”

Before they could cross the yard, Bailey rushed out, jumped up, and started licking Kelly’s face.

“Bailey, Bailey, get down.” Nick’s giant mutt plopped her butt down and grinned up at them.

“Umm…when did you get a dog?” Kelly’s eyes widened.

Sophie ran her tongue around her teeth. “Oh, I am just watching her for…um…for a friend. I mean for my landlord.”

Kelly’s gaze sharpened. “Really?”

“No big deal. My landlord’s sister, Alyssa, who is great by the way, was supposed to watch her, but they crossed wires. It’s not a big deal.” She shrugged and reached for Kelly’s tote bag.

“Okay. Well, Bailey seems like fun.” Kelly’s brow creased. “Anyway, I’ve been worried. You look tired.”

She smoothed back her ponytail. “Thanks so much. Just what I wanted to hear. I haven’t been sleeping well. Let’s go inside and catch up over tea.”

Kelly shook her head. “Tea? I don’t want tea. It’s wine time.”

“Sure. It’s five o’clock somewhere, right? I’ve got your favorite pinot grigio in the fridge. Does that work?” She’d missed her best friend.

Kelly checked out the cottage on the way to the kitchen. “Definitely. This place is great. How’s the writing going?”

“I just spent the last two hours and, oh, let’s call it, forty-two minutes and thirty-six seconds writing. Once I force myself to sit and write, it flows. It’s different than writing magazine articles. But I think I love this. I hope so. Geez, I’m rambling, aren’t I?” She uncorked the wine and grabbed two glasses.

Kelly gave her a one-arm hug. “No, I love to hear you so passionate.”

They meandered into the living room and settled onto the couch and Sophie tucked her legs up underneath her. Immediately, Zack jumped up to snuggle with them. Bailey flopped down on the rug, eager to join the party.

Kelly poured the wine and handed her a glass. “So why do you look so wiped out? Are you still losing sleep over Doug?”
