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Kelly barked out a laugh. “I know you, and you most definitely are attracted to him. You blushed like a virgin when he kissed you.”

Sophie shrugged. Damn ivory complexion.

Kelly’s expression sobered. “Why wouldn’t you be interested? Because of Doug?”

Time to stop being such a child. Maybe she should stamp her foot while she was at it. “I can’t deny I’m attracted to him. Who wouldn’t be? We kissed…twice. My head almost exploded. The chemistry is like something out of some steamy romance novel.”

Kelly crossed the room and enveloped her in a warm hug. She dropped her head on her friend’s shoulder and squeezed her tight.

“I just want to heal and write my book. I don’t need complications. He’s a huge complication. I mean, the check-out girl at the grocery store told me he’s known as the Player of Laguna, for god’s sake.”

Kelly stepped back and stared into her eyes. “Perfect. Maybe a fling is just what you need to move on. Nothing like some mind-blowing sex to erase memories of an ex. It might be a better idea than a year without men.”

Her breath caught in her throat. “I just don’t know if I’m ready or if I can handle him. He’s just so…” Too good to be true.

Kelly rubbed her shoulder. “I’m sorry, I won’t push it. If nothing else, he’ll be a diversion tonight, right? Let’s just enjoy our afternoon before we see him again.”

* * *

Sophie cursedat her closet again. Was it sheer vanity making her so particular about her outfit tonight?

Kelly laughed when she stepped into the bedroom. “Is that your whole wardrobe on the floor? Clothes crisis, I take it?”

“Yes, I’m pathetic. I need to look amazing, but I can’t let him know I’m trying to look amazing. What should I wear?” Sophie tucked her hair behind her ear and grimaced at the mountain of clothes she’d tossed on the carpet.

Looking up, she did a double take. “You look incredible. Is that a new top? That shade of gold makes you look positively tawny. Meow.”

Kelly grinned and waved a hand down the front of her body. “This old thing? Ha, yes, I got sucked into that new boutique at Del Mar Plaza last weekend. Isn’t it great?”

Kelly pirouetted to the clothes pile and began pawing through, tossing items over her shoulder. She pounced on some black skinny jeans and an azure blue blouse with the tags still on it.

“Okay. Put this on.” Kelly ripped off the tags and tossed her the shirt.

Her friend’s bossiness always came in handy.

After she obeyed Kelly’s order, Sophie smiled at her reflection. The top dipped slightly in front, hinting at cleavage while deepening and amplifying her blue eyes. Skinny jeans and towering stilettos provided a shot of confidence.

Kelly whistled. “You, my friend, are beautiful. The Player of Laguna won’t know what hit him.”

“I’m not trying to…” Sophie’s protest sounded weak, even to her own ears.

Kelly held up a hand. “Please save it. I know you. Now you better make sure he doesn’t come to your room and see this disaster.”

“As if.” Sophie huffed out a breath.

Of course, he wouldn’t come anywhere near her bedroom.




When the doorbell rang, Sophie yanked it open and promptly smacked into a brick wall.

“Ouch. Do you always stand so close to a door? You practically knocked the wind out of me.” Her fingers grasped the brick wall’s crisp button-down shirt and the heat from Nick’s solid chest seared her fingers.

She retreated a step and clasped her hands behind her back, her heart hammering against her ribcage.Must stop touching him.What was it about this man that had her acting like a teenage girl at her first boy-band concert? She dug her fingernails into her palms.
