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His chiseled mouth quirked up on one side and he gestured to the porch. “I was just right here.”

She glanced down and lo and behold––he did appear to be at a normal distance from the door. Drawing herself up to her full five feet six inches, she shrugged.

Kelly appeared beside her. “Okay, kids. Enough of this silliness. Nick, we’re starving and ready to be wined and dined. Let’s go.”

“I’m parked right outside.” Nick smiled.

They followed him to his sleek black sedan. “Let me open the door for you.”

“Thank you, sir.” Kelly hopped into the front seat of the car, leaving Sophie no choice but to sit in the back.

She settled into the comfortable backseat. She’d planned on avoiding him and here she was, spending another evening with him. And why was it annoying to be relegated to the backseat, like a kid? She stuck her tongue out at Mr. Persistent.

Nick’s glance caught hers in the rearview mirror. Of course, he’d looked at the exact moment she’d given in to a childish impulse. His mouth quirked at the corners before he returned his focus to the road.

Not that she cared what he thought one way or the other. She was planning on being a single novelist for the foreseeable future.

Like Jane Austen.

Just like Jane Austen.

They arrived at Vines, a charming little wine bar. When the valet opened Sophie’s door, she resolved to have a good time. After all, Kelly was here, and she’d be the perfect buffer.

Nick offered one arm to Kelly and his other arm to Sophie. Goosebumps erupted along her skin the moment her hand touched his hot sinewy forearm.

Music drifted through the open windows and humming conversation filled the intimate space. A high wood-beamed ceiling bestowed a feeling of warmth. The far wall was exposed brick with stenciled drawings depicting what appeared to be small Italian towns dotted across it.

“This is awesome,” Kelly said. “Just our kind of place. Shall we grab a spot at the bar, or do you see an open table?”

An enormous polished mahogany bar occupied much of the room, and café tables were set amongst the wine racks. Clusters of young, attractive people chatted and sipped wine.

“Don’t worry. I can get us a table.” He raised his hand in the direction of the bar. A tall, handsome, dark-haired man waved him over. “I’ll be right back.”

Kelly gawked. “Wow, check out that bartender. Maybe I need to move up here to take advantage of all these beautiful men.”

“What about Robert? Aren’t you guys together?” Sophie frowned.

Kelly waved a hand and met Sophie’s gaze. “Let me enjoy the scenery. Remember, I’m not discussing Robert on this visit. And Nick’s on his way back over.”

“Follow me.” He led them to a table next to the garage-door-style windows that opened onto the street, bringing in the crisp evening air.

A lanky redhead approached, greeted Nick with a peck on the cheek, and left them menus. Settling into their chairs, they reviewed the extensive wine list, which featured both old and new-world vintages. Nick ordered a bottle of Chateauneuf-du-Pape for them along with a cheese-and-charcuterie board and some marcona almonds.

“Yum, all my favorite things.” Kelly clapped her hands together. “So what’s the hot bartender’s story?”

Sophie’s head snapped toward her friend. Before she could ask why she was scoping out the bar owner, Nick responded.

“Christian? He owns this place. He’s an old friend, and he asked about you too.” Nick smiled. “Do you want me to introduce you?”

“No, no, that’s okay.” Kelly shook her head.

The waitress returned and showed Nick the bottle. When she uncorked the wine, she poured for him first, but he deferred to Sophie. She swirled the wine to allow the aromas to release and approved of the moderate legs showing in the wineglass. Then, she inhaled the aroma and hmm’d at the notes of lavender and spice.

She held the first sip in her mouth, allowing the dense, bold flavors to explode on her tongue. When she looked at Nick, his eyes were narrow, and his jaw was tight. She loved wine and enjoyed the whole sensual process that comprised sampling. If he found that sexy, so be it. She nodded at the waitress, who filled their glasses and stepped away.

“You didn’t tell me you were so into wine when we had dinner.” Nick’s intense stare pinned her to the spot.

Kelly sampled her wine. “Really? Sophie always picks the wine for us. She’s got an amazing palate.”
