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“Don’t exaggerate.” Heat flooded her cheeks. Between the constant blushing, fluttering, and shivering, maybe she did belong in a Jane Austen novel.

Nick shifted his attention to Kelly, and Sophie exhaled a steadying breath. “Tell me more about Sophie. She’s full of surprises.”

“Well, did you know that she loves romance novels? She’s got a stack of those historical bodice rippers somewhere in your cottage. The old-school ones with Fabio on the cover…” Kelly fanned one hand in front of her face.

Sophie pointed at her BFF. Fabio wasn’t on any of the covers, was he? “Stop, or I’m going to tell the hot bartender you want to take him home tonight.”

“You wouldn’t dare.” Kelly’s mouth snapped shut.

Nick leaned closer. “Really? Are you writing a romance novel?”

“Don’t you worry about what I’m writing. Next subject, please.”

Nick waggled his eyebrows. “Like pirates tossing wenches over their shoulders and—”

Sophie held up her hand, stemming a giggle. “No way. Discussion over.”

“Fine, we’ll leave the books alone for now. She also drives like a maniac. Did she tell you how she almost demolished one of your neighbor’s hedges before she arrived?” Kelly snickered.

Kelly’s new topic wasn’t a big improvement. Usually, Sophie found her best friend hilarious. Not so much tonight.

“No, are you all right? Were you hurt?” Nick’s tone sharpened and he grasped her hand.

A flicker of heat flashed up her arm. “Just my pride. Some truck came flying toward me, and the road is so narrow up there.”

“You need to be careful—the road is treacherous.” Concern filled his eyes, and his fingers tightened on hers.

“I’m fine. Nothing happened. Kelly drives like a grandma and thinks anyone who drives one mile over the speed limit is a drag racer. And can I have my hand back?” Sophie tugged at her hand, striving to keep the mood light.What was up with his over-the-top reaction?

Nick released her and sat back in his chair; his eyes chilled into chips of jade-green glass.

Just in time, the waitress returned with their appetizers. Kelly regaled them with entertaining stories about her law firm’s stuffy coworkers. Sophie’s shoulders softened as the earlier friction disappeared. She excused herself and headed to the ladies’ room.

While in front of the mirror, Sophie reapplied nude-pink lip gloss and fluffed her hair. Her initial plan to remain single for a year suddenly seemed overly dramatic. Maybe getting under Nick would help her get over Doug once and for all.

Besides, she trusted Kelly’s judgment completely and her friend liked him. Not all men were jerks like her ex–fiancé and her deadbeat dad. A rebound romance could help her find her confidence again––mind made up; she headed back to their table.

When Sophie wove through the crowd, she froze when she spotted a stunning brunette in her seat. Who the hell was she? The woman tossed her head and leaned against Nick, smashing her impressive cleavage into his side. Sophie’s buoyant mood deflated, and jealousy licked at her belly.

Memories of Doug’s infidelity slapped into her. She’d sworn never to be involved in a love triangle again. She’d overestimated her ability to handle a player. Celibacy was safer, after all. Donning her best poker face, she returned to the table.

“There she is.” Kelly’s smile was strained. “We were wondering when you’d get back. Are you almost ready to head out to sushi?”

“Whenever you are.” Sophie wanted to bolt, but she wasn’t about to reveal her cards.

A smiling Nick stood and gestured to the woman who remained in Sophie’s chair. Didn’t she see Sophie’s wineglass?

“There you are. I want you to meet Heather, my right hand at work. Heather, meet my new tenant, Sophie.”

Sophie sucked in a sharp inhale.His tenant? That’s how Nick saw her? His rental income? A polite obligation?

Heather rose but made no move to vacate Sophie’s spot. The woman’s fake smile revealed blinding-white teeth––probably veneers––and didn’t reach her glittering dark eyes. A flash of hostility flared before the woman could hide it. No way this woman was only his colleague.

Fine, she could have him. No more vacillation. Decision made.

The Player of Laguna was her landlord. Nothing more. Regardless of why he’d introduced her as his tenant, Sophie retreated to her original stance where Nick was concerned. Player. Definitely not her interim man.

Sophie reached for her wineglass and glanced around the table. “Nice to meet you. Maybe you should stay and hang out, Nick. Kelly and I can head over to dinner if you’ll just tell us where it is?”
