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“Enough. I didn’t come here to be attacked. You’re right—I’m not a child, so don’t treat me like one. I’ve never asked you for a dime. Ever. I’ve worked and saved my money since I was fifteen years old. This ismydream. If I fail, well, that’s my problem. What I won’t do is live my life based on fear. So don’t ever tell me again what I have to do.” Tremors shook her whole body, but no way would she back down now.

Martine’s lips flattened into an unattractive line. “Do you think becoming a famous novelist will bring back your fiancé? Your father? That they’ll be impressed?”

“I’m done here.” Sophie shoved away from the table and forced herself to put one foot in front of the other. Far away from her mother’s bitterness and scorn.

Away from the past. Toward the future, whatever it might hold.


Nick glanced at his cell phone for what seemed like the hundredth time this morning. Nothing from Sophie. Once again, his preoccupation with her was interrupting his work. Damn it, she was blowing hot and cold, and he didn’t have time to brood over her. He had deadlines.

Now she’d indulged in some hot rebound sex, she was done? Was the vulnerable sweet side he’d seen just a mask? Had she used him?

Not even a thank-you text for the flowers he’d hoped would make her smile. No response. Irritation simmered through him, and he glared out the window.

“Whoa, big brother. What’s with the glower?”

Nick turned to face his sister, who had once again silently appeared in his office. Her brow creased and she shut the door.

“Alyssa, hey. It’s nothing.” Shrugging a shoulder, he cursed his temper—since when did he have a temper?

“Right, you always sit around shooting death stares while looking off into space. Did you get bad news about this year’s Pritzker Prize or something?”

Thank god she’d assumed his distress was work-related. Like he needed his sister involved in his relationship with Sophie. He hesitated––maybe Alyssa knew something he didn’t.

Damn, was this what he was relegated to? A lovestruck teenager trying to see if his sister could help him win the girl? Or not win the girl if she was too broken to be in a relationship?

Hell, maybe he was simply losing his mind. “No. Just a lot going on.”

“Is it a woman? Is Heather being a pain, and you need to fire her?” She waggled her eyebrows.

His lips twitched. “Enough about Heather. You know I need her.”

Although yesterday he’d caught Heather checking out his ass. Why had Alyssa pointed it out to him? Life had been much simpler when Heather had been his competent manager. A professional, focusing on some other guy’s ass, not his.

But the bottom line was Heather had been vital in his progress toward winning the highly coveted Pritzker Prize. Her diligence, ability to package his achievements, and connections were why he was finally in contention. He’d worked too long toward his dream to jeopardize his chances.

Alyssa tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “So have you seen Sophie again?”

“Well, actually… Yeah, we’ve gone out a few times.”Even though I may have been a booty call.Who ever thought he’d mind a hot one-night stand? Go figure.

Alyssa crossed the room and grabbed his hands. “That’s awesome. Is it serious?”

“Who knows? I sent her flowers yesterday and haven’t heard from her.” And he sounded like a temperamental child.

“You? Flowers? Interesting… Are you sure she received them?” Her smile was smug. She knew damn well he didn’t send flowers often.

“According to the flower company, yeah.” Received and ignored. Radio silent.

Alyssa waved a hand. “Just call her. Don’t be stubborn. You’re obviously stressing about it. Life’s too short.”

He massaged the back of his neck. “Whatever. Do you want to grab dinner later? I’m meeting Brandt if you want to join us.”

She wrinkled her nose. “Is Sophie coming too?”

“It doesn’t look like it, does it?” Again, could he stop sounding like a petulant kid? Hell. He was in trouble.

“You know what, I’ll swing by the cottage and see what’s going on. I’ll call you.” Blowing him a kiss, Alyssa exited as quietly as she’d arrived.
