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Nick rolled his shoulders back, trudged to his desk, and snapped open the hospital file. Which he’d probably stare at blankly until he heard from Sophie or his sister.

Who was he?


Every muscle in Sophie’s legs shrieked in protest as she jogged up the steep hill toward the cottage. Unable to settle her nerves after the scene with her mother, she’d attempted to clear her mind with some good old-fashioned exercise. Luckily, she hadn’t passed anybody on her fast-paced trot because tears flowed down her cheeks the entire time. Despite time and distance, her mother could still push her buttons with zero effort.


A bead of sweat trickled down her back, pasting her tissue-thin tank top to her skin. She welcomed the physical exhaustion, a pleasant respite from her mental and emotional turmoil. Time to return to her original vision for her new life: healing her heart and writing her book. Not necessarily in that order—ha. Although she’d blown her “year of celibacy” out the window with Nick.

She marched the rest of the way up the incline, eager to start fresh. At the tree-lined curve of the driveway, she heard the click of a car engine turning off. Maybe it was Nick? Her heart skipped a beat, and she hurried up the path.

Instead, Alyssa was parked next to her car. And Nick’s sister was peering into the front window. What in the world?

Huffing out a breath, she called out, “Alyssa?”

Alyssa whirled––her eyes wide. “There you are…your car was here so I was just tapping on the window because you didn’t answer the door. I thought you might hear me better from the window.”

Her words were rushed. Out of character.Huh.

“I was out for a jog, needed to clear my head a bit.” Understatement of the century.

Alyssa’s smoky blue eyes narrowed. “Is everything okay?”

Sophie shrugged and avoided her gaze. “Yeah, sure, everything’s fine. What’s up?”

Alyssa smoothed back her long blonde hair. “I was just close by and dropped by to see if you’re up for a beach walk or a glass of wine?”

“That’s so sweet of you. But I need to plant myself in front of the computer for the foreseeable future. Raincheck?” No need for Nick’s sister to see how red and puffy her eyes were.

“Sure but can I come in for a second and use the bathroom?”

“Of course, come on in. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to be rude; I’ve just got a lot on my mind.” Like obsessing over your brother.

The moment they walked inside, Sophie frowned. Why had she prominently displayed the magnificent bouquet right smack in the middle of the living room? Because no way could she lie to Nick’s little sister about who sent them.

“Wow, how gorgeous.” Alyssa made an elaborate show of sniffing the colorful assortment of flowers displayed in her favorite emerald-green vase. She smiled over her shoulder. “Who sent you these?”

Sophie nibbled on the inside of her cheek. “Well, I feel kind of awkward telling you this, but they’re from Nick.”

Alyssa pressed one hand to her heart. “Great. I’m so happy that you two are dating. I think you two are perfect together.”

“You do?”

“Of course. Can you pretty please postpone the writing a little longer? Can we have a glass of wine, and you can spill the deets? I’ve been waiting for my brother to meet the right woman.” Alyssa headed toward the kitchen, and Sophie trailed behind her.

“Didn’t you have to use the bathroom?”

Alyssa gave a sheepish smile and headed off toward the bathroom. “Oh yeah, forgot in the excitement. Will you open some wine?”

“Well…why not. Just one glass. I do still have to write more today.” She responded to Alyssa’s retreating back. One glass might help free her muse, right?

Sophie poured them two glasses of her favorite French Chablis, perfect for the late-afternoon warmth. When Alyssa returned, they went outside and sat on the bench.

Alyssa leaned in and placed one hand on her arm. “I have a confession. I knew Nick sent you the flowers. I saw him earlier today, and he seemed really bummed out. I wanted to ask you if you knew why that would be?”

Her breath caught. “Bummed out? Like upset or angry?”
