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“Oh, Nick. Didn’t you have any relatives who could have helped? Raising a teenager couldn’t have been easy.” Her heart ached for their loss.

He shook his head, a faraway look in his emerald eyes. “Both of our parents were only children, and our grandparents had passed. It wasn’t easy, but she’s amazing.”

“You’re amazing, Nicholas Morgan.” His strength blew her away. She pressed a gentle kiss on his cheek.

“Don’t start kissing me again, or we’ll be back at my house before dessert,” he quirked a brow.

Shivers danced along her skin, but she wanted to lighten the mood and learn more about him. “Okay, tell me more about the Pritzker. You’ve mentioned it a few times.”

“It’s the most prestigious award in architecture, kind of like the Nobel Prize. My dad was nominated but passed away before he could win.” His square jaw tightened. “It’s my legacy.”

She squeezed his hand tight. “I understand. I’m sure you’ll achieve it.”

His expression cleared. “Thank you. Now tell me more about this story you’re writing.”

“If I told you, I’d have to kill you.” She smiled and shook her head. “Kidding. But there is a sexy love interest.”

He flashed a wicked grin and through the rest of dinner, she basked in the sparkle in his deep green eyes and the way he never stopped touching her, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear, leaning in to kiss her between bites of pizza. Her heart blossomed under his focus. What a novelty to be the center of his attention, as if she were the only woman in the world.

When he went to the restroom, she smiled to herself, joy filling her being. She gasped and jolted upright––oh crap––she was falling in love with Nick.Wasin love with Nick. How had this happened so fast?

Or was she simply reacting to the attention of a gorgeous, charming, intelligent, seemingly perfect man?

Wait a second, could she picture him with her in five years? In ten? Forever?

Yes, yes, and yes. At the cottage. Traveling the world. Snuggling on the couch with Zack and Bailey. Making love. She could even visualize him with silver hair––her very own silver fox.

“Sophie?” Nick returned and slid back in next to her on the red leather booth. “You look like the cat who swallowed the cream. Care to share?”

Her smile deepened, she placed her hands on either side of his face and planted a passionate kiss on his lips. He slanted his mouth across hers, deepening the kiss. She moaned and pressed against him.

“Umm…excuse me?” a voice stammered from somewhere over Sophie’s shoulder.

Nick kept her in the circle of his powerful embrace and turned toward the interruption. Sophie glanced up and the red-faced young waitress looked as if she wanted to be anywhere but in front of them.

“Can I bring you anything else?” She stared a few feet above their heads.

“Just the check, thanks.” Nick turned back to her and continued the kiss where he’d left off.

Sophie had never been a PDA-type of person, but with Nick, discretion was overrated. Her body tingled, her heart raced, and heat sparked all the way down to her toes.

Time to exit the restaurant, rip his clothes off, and have her way with him.

Without releasing her, Nick smacked down a wad of cash and backed her out the front door of the restaurant all the way to his car.

Nick kept his lips fused with hers while he fumbled with the car keys, trying to get the door open. “I can’t get enough of you. If it were darker in this parking lot, I would take you up against this car right now,” he growled.

Sophie arched against him, rocking into the steel ridge of his arousal. Heat shot straight to her core. He made her feel powerful. Sexy. Beautiful.

And ignited her own passion. “Take me home. Drive fast.”

They tumbled into the car, he sped home as she leaned over him, rained kisses along the warm skin on his throat, and stroked him through his jeans.

“Sophie, you’ll kill us both if you don’t stop. I can’t even see straight.” His hands gripped the steering wheel—knuckles white.

Her lips curved, and she slid her hand back up to his chest, savoring the feel of his thundering heartbeat.

“Hurry, hurry, hurry,” she chanted.
