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She paced around the living room, willing her brain to engage.Melissa Martin, the agent. “Oh, hi Melissa, nice to hear from you.”

“So I was at an industry event last night, and I was speaking to a colleague from another agency. We were discussing the never-ending search for the next big thing, and I mentioned you and your current project.”

“Oh? What did she say?” Her hopes kindled.

“Well, she handles women’s fiction, especially stories with a romantic twist, like yours. I told her your book wasn’t finished, but she said you should query her and use my name.”

Sophie gasped and pressed one hand to her throat. “That’s fantastic, Melissa. Thanks so much for mentioning me. It makes such a difference to have a personal recommendation or contact.”

“It does. And if you’re flexible, I’ve got something more for you. She’s flying to Los Angeles for some meetings today and said she’d love to meet you for coffee. Understand it wouldn’t be for a formal pitch, but she likes to meet writers who she’s considering representing. Just in case she decides to take you on once your book is finished.”

“Seriously? Coffee tomorrow? Should I have a pitch prepared?”

“Well, like I said, she won’t take a formal one, but it won’t hurt to bring a synopsis because your story really does sound intriguing. Can you get up to L.A. tomorrow?”

“Absolutely.” Sophie grabbed a pad and pen to write down the prospective agent’s contact information. Hanging up the phone, she scooped up Zack and hugged him close.

She couldn’t wait to share the news with Nick.Crap, Nick was gone.

He was the first person she wanted to share the news with, the first person she wanted to call. And he was MIA. Definitely did not want to talk to her.

If he would just pick up his phone and listen to her, she’d be able to clear up the situation in a few minutes. Or at least try.

Unable to settle her jangled nerves, Sophie set Zack onto his preferred spot on the couch and checked the yoga studio’s schedule. If anything could give her some peace of mind, it would be some breath, movement, and meditation. At this point, she couldn’t control Nick’s behavior––ahem, she couldn’t control anything at all except her own reactions.

She could also control how well she prepared for her agent meeting. Once she’d cleared her mind, she’d return and polish her synopsis. Even though she wouldn’t be able to truly relax until she’d spoken to Nick.

He had to call her back soon, right?


Sophie shellacked a third layer of concealer on the purple rings beneath her puffy eyes. After tossing and turning all night, damage control was a must. No need for the agent to think she was a trainwreck.

Although trainwreck was an apt description.

Although today’s meeting wasn’t a formal pitch session, she wanted to feel her best when she met the woman. She stuck her tongue out at her pasty reflection. It was the best she could do under the circumstances.

Nick’s radio silence hurt. At 3 a.m., she’d given up on trying to sleep and had written him a letter, pouring out all her feelings for him. Vulnerable, raw, and real. If after she returned from L.A., he still hadn’t returned her calls, she’d give him the letter. What he chose to do with it was out of her control. Simply putting the words to paper had helped soothe her nerves. Mostly.

Thank god for her BFF. Kelly took the afternoon off and was meeting her in L.A. for a girls’ night. Because right now, everywhere Sophie looked, signs of Nick overwhelmed her. From the empty pillow beside hers to the shower walls reminding her of hot, steamy sex, to the couch where they’d cuddled and watched movies.

Maybe a fresh environment would help shift her perspective. It couldn’t hurt.

Time to focus on manifesting her dream of becoming a published author. Opportunity waited in Los Angeles. Smoothing down her crisp white blouse, Sophie squared her shoulders. She scooped up her overnight bag, assured Zack she’d return in twenty-four hours, and headed out the door.

Mourning the loss of Nick would have to take a backseat for now.

* * *

Sophie huggedherself as she skipped away from the café, a wide grin plastered on her face. The meeting with the prospective literary agent had gone better than she could have imagined. A New Yorker with a fashionable blond bob and a sharp wit, Jan Ashman had been encouraging after hearing her elevator pitch. Apparently, stories about starting over were always popular.

Although they’d only had time for a thirty-minute chat over coffee, she’d given Sophie her card and told her to send the query and first three chapters over once she’d completed her book.

Not that any guarantees came with Jan’s offer to take her pitch, but she’d spoken to a real live agent who would at least consider her query. She’d savor the validation, thank you very much. Time to head to Shutters in Santa Monica––Kelly was splurging on a room at the fancy hotel––and wait for her best friend.

Once she checked in, Sophie sat out on the room’s gorgeous balcony and placed her computer on the teak table. Kelly wouldn’t arrive for a few hours, so she could get in some new words. How could she not feel inspired by the ocean breeze, sunshine, and knowledge at least one agent would consider her book?

Ignoring the ache in her heart, she stuffed her feelings for Nick aside. Until they could sit down and have a discussion, brooding wouldn’t help. Maybe she had overreacted asking for a break instead of simply asking to slow down. But right now, unless he called her back, she couldn’t change a thing. She couldn’t control his decisions, but she could control her own behavior. Cracking open the lid of her laptop, she began to write.
