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Three hours later, Kelly and Sophie clinked their champagne glasses. Time to toast her successful meeting and positive progress toward fulfilling her dreams.

Sophie shifted back in her chair and contemplated the twilight sky’s streaks of lavender and rose. “I know it’s just an agreement for someone to read my one-page query letter and first few chapters, but I’m on top of the world.”

Kelly pointed a slender finger. “Don’t downplay it. Having the chance to speak one on one with an agent is a big deal, regardless of the outcome. Remember that becoming a novelist is your dream and keep that in the forefront of your mind for now. Let’s celebrate the wins and ignore the rest.”

“You’re right. My love life still stinks, but that’s what compartmentalizing is for, right? Happy to focus on the bubbly and spending time with you.” She sipped her drink.

“That’s exactly what we’re going to do tonight. But first, what are you going to do about Nick? Will you be able to stay in the cottage if you guys are finished?”

“Oh god, I don’t know. I love Laguna and it already feels like home. It would stink to have to find a new place, not to mention I paid for the rent upfront. But I did tell him I wanted a break and he’s given me that.” Sophie smoothed a strand of hair away from her face.

Kelly leaned forward and placed a hand on her leg. “What do you want? Did you mean it when you told him you don’t want to date him? You guys really seem to have something special, and I’d hate for Doug to screw your life up again.”

“I just got scared. Everything happened so fast with Nick and just seems almost too good to be true. Factor in that bitchy office manager and how Nick reacted to learning Doug had been at my house…what do you think?” Worry swirled through her.

Kelly refilled their glasses. “Only you know what you’re feeling but I’ve never seen you so happy. If it’s the speed, just slow it down.”

Sophie pressed a hand to her heart. “I love him, crazy as that sounds. But I’m scared and until he calls me back, it’s all a moot point.”

“I know you do, and he is obviously wild for you. You two will figure it out, day by day.” Kelly gave her a reassuring smile. “But tonight we have this amazing hotel room and expensive champagne. Let’s enjoy the sunset, go have an awesome dinner, and celebrate your victory toward becoming Oprah’s next book club pick.”

“I’ll drink to that any day. Champagne first, fish tacos second, and then the world.” Sophie lifted her glass. She’d be grateful for all the good in the present moment.

Even if that moment happened to be an illusory bubble created by her best friend and fancy wine.

Because no way could she contemplate the reality of living down the hill from Nick if he drove past her cottage every night with a different woman.


Nick dragged himself out of the pounding surf and flopped onto the sand at Polihale Beach, on Kauai’s western coast. His bones ached, his muscles screamed, and his mind was blessedly blank. For the first time since the scene at the cottage.

Riding waves always put him in the zone, and he’d managed a few moments of peace. Mother Ocean always reminded him that life continued, no matter what. Life would continue for him no matter what, as well. Even if right now life without Sophie looked bleak.

Before he’d paddled out, he’d turned on his phone to ensure he hadn’t missed any vital work calls.Yeah, keep telling yourself that, dude. Heather had texted to notify him she would accept the severance package and assured him she wouldn’t interfere with the Pritzker. He wouldn’t question her decision and frankly felt only relief. One problem solved.

He sat up and dropped his head in his hands. Sophie had left several voicemails and texts, but he didn’t open them. Not ready to deal, he’d powered his phone off again. Did he even want to hear her explanation? Letting people close had never been easy for him and with Sophie flashing hot and cold…what the hell would he do if she said she’d changed her mind? Or if she was moving back to San Diego to reconcile with her loser ex?

How could he know if he was her rebound or not? Especially with her ex showing up at her house. At best, she’d confirm she wanted a break, and at worst she’d reconcile with the guy. Neither scenario worked for him.

If he reviewed the facts, he’d mooned over Sophie like some love-stricken teenager the minute Bailey had run her over. She’d told him point blank she didn’t want to date anyone for a year. She’d warned him she wasn’t ready. Several times. And he’d plowed over her objections, determined to win her over.

If it had just been sexual attraction, sleeping with her a few times would have been enough. Like with every other woman he’d been with before.

But Sophie had said she loved him. And he’d said those three words to a woman for the first time in his life. He’d said them first. He’d finally opened his heart, and she’d tossed it back to him. The fucking irony wasn’t lost on him.

But he hadn’t kept it physical because he loved everything about her––her compassion, her brilliant mind, her humor, her love of animals, her strength. He couldn’t deny that Sophie Barnes was his one and only.

He ignored the sharp ache in his chest. Sophie Barnes had made it clear she didn’t want him, and he’d take her at face value. Alyssa could handle any interactions with her for the cottage. Maybe it was a moot point, and she’d already moved back to San Diego with her ex.

Screw it.Nick ground his molars and scanned the perfect waves crashing onto the powdery sand. He’d flown to Kauai to surf and get his head on straight. Time to allow the ocean to put his life back into perspective. Then, he’d return to Laguna and focus on what mattered––becoming one of the most successful architects of his generation and achieving the Pritzker Prize. Case closed.

A few hours later, Nick sat at the counter of his favorite local restaurant. Usually after a day in massive waves, he could scarf down enough for a JV football team. Tonight, he picked at his grilled Ono tacos, unable to muster an appetite to enjoy his food.

Despite his exhausted body, his mind raced on an endless loop. For the first time, the huge Hawaiian surf failed to clear his mind. Failed to soothe his heart. Failed.

Maybe he should get drunk. Maybe catching a buzz would help him forget about her. Why not? He took a long pull of his icy cold beer and thumped the empty bottle onto the counter and signaled the bartender for another round.

“Looks like you’re celebrating. What’d you win?” A raspy voice asked from the stool beside him.

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