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To Nick’s left, a weathered, white-haired man with an overgrown mustache lifted his beer in a toast. The guy was a dead ringer for Sam Elliot.

“Ha, win? Not even close.” Nick rolled his eyes and chugged half of his fresh beer in one shot.

“You visiting and couldn’t catch any waves?” It seemed the old-timer wanted to chat.

Nick shook his head. “Nah, I ripped it up over at Polihale.”

The man’s lean face split into a grin. “Great spot, one of my favorites.”

“Yeah, me too.” At least he’d caught some killer waves today, despite his mood.

“So what could have you down in paradise if it isn’t lack of surf?” The old guy waved a tanned hand.

Nick shrugged a shoulder. “I’m not down.”Liar.

“Well, if you need an ear, I’m a great listener.” He downed a mouthful of beer.

“I’m fine.” Nick finished his drink in silence and squeezed his eyes shut. What the hell?

“So there’s this girl…”

Old-timer chuckled into his beer and waved the bartender over. “Always is, always is. Let me buy you a shot. Joe, two tequilas.”

Joe the bartender placed two healthy shots, a couple of limes, and two more beers in front of them.

Tequila wasn’t his poison of choice, but again, why not? The hair on his arms prickled and he winced as the not-exactly-top-of-the-line liquor seared his throat.

Nick poured out the story to his new friend. “She’s different. She’s special…”

The man nodded. “So you ran off to lick your wounds. You only were with her for a little while, right? You’re a handsome young dude––it shouldn’t be tough for you to meet women. Write it off as a learning experience.”

Nick’s stomach twisted. “No, you don’t understand. Sophie’s unique. I’ve never loved anyone before. She’s the first. She’s the only one.”

“I fell in love once, but I screwed it up good.” The stranger glanced down, shaking his head. “Never saw her again. Dumbest move of my life.”

“Maybe I should listen to her voicemails.” Nick glanced at the phone sitting on the bar.

“Voicemails? She’s been calling you? You gonna give her a chance to explain?” He pinned him with his gaze, dark eyes sharp.

Nick massaged the back of his neck. “She’s left a bunch of messages.”

“Don’t be so stubborn you throw away something special because of your pride. If this girl is as special as you say, at least listen to what she has to say. Life’s short. You know that saying right, carpe diem?”

Seize the day. “That’s one of Sophie’s favorite sayings. You’re right.”

He and Sophie had discussed carpe diem on their first date––the date he’d insisted on despite her reluctance. She personified the philosophy by moving to Laguna and starting over. She was courageous and strong and here he was, acting like a spoiled brat who didn’t get his way.

Damn it. He loved her. He’d never experienced the pure joy and happiness he felt with Sophie. And he’d spent his entire life fighting for what mattered to him. So why the hell wasn’t he fighting for her? For them.

Nick grabbed his phone and pressed play. He was a stubborn idiot––with each message, he couldn’t deny the truth. If Sophie needed more time, he’d be waiting for her. Carpe diem didn’t have to mean seize the day right now, it could mean declaring his intentions today and waiting for her to be ready because she was worth it.


Nick patted his new buddy on the back, slapped some cash on the bar, and hopped off his stool. “So, you’re right. Thanks, I appreciate it. I’ve got to get back home.”

“Happy to help, happy to help. Good luck.” His new best friend waved and turned back to his drink.

Nick hurried back to his hotel, booked a last-minute seat on the red-eye––the exorbitant fare was part of his penance––and headed to the airport. The sooner he could clear the air with Sophie, the sooner he could start proving to her that his love was real. And even though he was ready now––carpe diem and all that––he’d give her as much time as she needed.
