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“No, I need to talk to her in person. I guess I’ll just have to wait.”Damn it.

Was this how Sophie felt when he ignored her calls and texts? The longer they were apart, the faster his chances of convincing her he loved her and would wait for her plummeted.

What if he was too late?


The closer Sophie got to Laguna and reality, the tighter her chest became. When she pulled up to the cottage, Zack was perched in the front picture window.Home. At least for now. She grabbed her overnight bag and hurried inside to snuggle with her beloved kitty.

Time to settle in and write her book’s next chapter––where she created her own reality. She turned on the tea kettle and the doorbell chimed. Taking a cleansing breath, she crossed the living room. First, she peered through the peephole because she’d learned her lesson with Doug.

Her heart took a long tumbling roll in her chest––it was Nick.

She pressed one hand to her stomach and opened the door. Despite her galloping pulse, her heart warmed at the vision of him on the doorstep with a tentative smile on his gorgeous face.

“You’re back.” His voice was muted.

She nodded. “You’re back, too.” She couldn’t prevent the tremor in her voice.

He cleared his throat. “Can I come in? We need to talk.”

“Okay.” She retreated a step and waved him inside.

The kettle whistled and she turned and hurried into the kitchen. “Do you want a cup of tea?” Although right now, whiskey would do more than Earl Grey to soothe her nerves.

“No, no, I just want to talk. Can we sit?” Nick followed her into the kitchen. Funny, the room hadn’t seemed small before, but his clean beachy scent filled the space. The heat from his tall muscular frame was palpable.

She fiddled with the tea bag, poured the boiling water, and willed her fingers to stop trembling. “Let’s go in the living room.”

He pivoted and she followed him and perched on the edge of the couch. Safer to leave ample distance between them. She peered down into her mug as if the tea leaves would provide her with all the answers.

“Okay, hear me out. I’ve got a few things to share with you but first I owe you an apology…”

She lifted her head and met his gaze. “No, I owe you an explanation…”

Nick gave a quick shake of his head. “Me first, please. Let me get this all out or I’m afraid I won’t. I’m not great at this.”

She gestured with one hand for him to continue and wrapped both hands around her mug.

He exhaled a harsh breath. “I’m sorry I took off the way I did. I should have texted you back and let you know I was okay, but I just needed some space. I needed to cool off, so I headed to Kauai to surf for a few days and clear my head.”

“Kauai?” Her eyes widened.

He scrubbed his hands through his tawny hair. “Yeah, it’s one of the places where I can completely relax. Anyway, I was angry and frankly blindsided by your ex being here.”

“That’s what I need to explain to you. And––”

Nick held his hand up. “I’m almost finished. I’d come by to surprise you. To invite you away for a romantic night and I get here and you’re in your pajamas, your ex was here and then you tell me you want a break. I lost it, okay?”

She placed the mug onto the end table and turned to fully face him. Eager to share her side of the story, to clear the air, and maybe even take back the break idea.

Nick moved closer and took her hands in his large ones, his emerald eyes gleaming. “I listened to your messages, and I believe you. I’ve never been jealous before. I’ve never told another woman I loved her before. I’m sorry I bailed, and I won’t do that again.”

Sophie intertwined her fingers with his. “I’m so sorry. I was shocked to see him at the door, and then part of me wanted to hear him grovel and apologize. It only confirmed to me I was completely over him. But it also scared me because even though my heart is open and I love you, everything with you and me happened so fast. I reacted from fear of being shattered if we didn’t work out. But I can’t imagine not being with you. Can we slow things down a little bit instead?”

Nick tugged her onto his lap and banded his powerful arms around her. He buried his face into the hollow of her throat, murmuring her name.

She thrust her fingers into his thick, silky hair and held him close. “Does that mean yes? You want to be with me?”
