Page 36 of Becca's Trouble

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It was full of Jeeps, trucks, and helicopters. People in green uniforms were everywhere. Cameron looked down at all the equipment in awe. “It looks like a military operation.”

“Makes you wonder, doesn't it? Is our government funding this operation?”

“Or someone else’s?”

She grabbed his hand and crouched down, taking him with her. “This is too risky. The chances of us getting in there and finding Marcie without getting caught are slim to none.”

He looked at her in surprise. “What are you suggesting? That we just leave her with Emerich?”

“No. Let me go alone. You go back for the others. Even if I’m caught, Emerich won’t kill me. He will kill you.” She couldn’t make that any more clear.

He shook his head. “I’m not leaving you to go in there alone.”

“I don’t want anything to happen to you,” she admitted. And it would, she was certain of that now. “Emerich will kill you. If for no other reason than to stick it to me.”

He smiled. “Are you saying you care about me?”

She bit her lip. “Of course I care. What kind of question is that?”She cared too much. That was the problem.

“I care about you too. A lot. But I also have faith in your abilities, and I have faith in mine. We will get out of this together. All of us. Now, are you ready to go find our girl?”

She smiled and felt an overwhelming urge to throw herself into his arms, but she didn’t. “I am.”

“Let’s go.” Crouching down, they hurried across the platform and found a door that led from a watchtower down into the building. There seemed to be a lot of people milling about in the courtyard, but so far they haven’t seen anyone in the area of the building they were in.

They took the stairs down to some kind of equipment room. There was a door with a small rectangular window in it leading to an empty hallway. Becca glanced through the window. “All clear.”

They passed what looked like a conference room with a large table surrounded by several empty chairs. The pictures tacked to a wall at the front of the room caught Becca’s eye. She slipped inside the room.

“Becca,” Cameron whispered and stepped in behind her. He stopped when he saw what she was looking at. There were pictures of their entire team on the wall, including women they didn't know.

“These must be all the subjects from my father's experiments. He's targeting us all.”

“He's not gonna win.”

Marcie, along with six other women, were already on the far wall. Her picture along with Becca's had giant X’s placed over them.

“What do you think that means?” Becca asked.

“I don't know but it doesn't look good.”

“Come on, let's go find Marcie.”

They left the room and continued down the hall. Becca took a deep breath and closed her mind to the fear and anxiety that somewhere in this building, Emerich was waiting for her. That it was only a matter of time before they were caught, and instead, she focused on Marcie and her laugh, on the sound of her voice as she teased her about her birthday, at the sparkle that lit her eyes when she hit her target.

She felt Marcie’s presence. She was there. Close by.

Becca paused, turned around, and took the door next to her. “This way.”

Without a word, Cameron followed her, descending a staircase that wound down under the pentagon. Who knew how deep this compound went? She stifled a shiver as they continued lower and lower, down one floor after another.

Suddenly Becca stopped.

She hovered outside another door with a rectangular window that led to another empty hallway. She eased open the door and slipped into the hall, heading to her left. She stopped in front of the next door, looked inside the window, and saw Marcie lying on the bed. Becca sucked in a breath and smiled back at Cameron. “Found her.”

She knocked on the glass. Marcie looked up, her eyes widening, then she jumped off the bed and ran to the door. “What are you doing here?” she asked through the door.

“Rescuing you.” Becca was all smiles.
