Page 40 of Becca's Trouble

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“And what about the fact that he murdered my father?”

“Payback. His dad for yours. Now you’re even.”

“My father did not kill his. Dr. Garrison died in a car accident.”

“So you say.”

Becca took a deep breath. “Why won’t he let me go? He keeps coming after me. Would a stable man do that?”

“He loves you that much and you keep turning your back on him. What I wouldn’t give to be loved like that, and yet you just keep throwing his love back in his face. You don’t deserve him.”

“Yeah, right,” Becca grumbled. “He’s insane, and he’s brought you into the insanity. Do you love him?”

She just stared at her.

“If you love him, then let me go. Accidentally leave the door open and I’ll be gone. You’ll never have to see me again.”

Marcie smirked and shook her head. “Why would I do that?”

“Because we were friends.”

“Were we though?” She grinned.

Becca realized they never were. The whole thing was a ruse, a charade, and she hadn’t had a clue. “You know, if I stay, you’re going to lose him,” Becca said, trying a new tactic.

“To you?” she mocked.

“To my knife. I’ll kill him, Marcie. I swear I will.”

Marcie laughed. “You’ll have to go through me first, and we both know you have never been able to beat me.” She turned then and walked toward the door. She paused. “You know, Cameron is the one I feel sorry for. He doesn’t deserve what is about to happen to him. The only mistake he made was falling in love with you. He wasn’t supposed to be here. You were supposed to come after me on your own—the lone wolf. Ha!”

Becca’s hand instantly went to the necklace around her neck. She yanked it off, breaking the chain.

Marcie grinned. “Cameron will pay the price for loving you, just like everyone else.” She left the room, leaving her tote bag behind. Becca ran over to it and unloaded a plate of fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, and green beans. She didn’t care about the food; she cared about the utensils. But there was only a plastic fork.

Becca roared in frustration, then ran through the room, opening every closet and drawer, looking for anything she could find to slit his throat because one thing she knew for certain, she was going to kill Sean Emerich once and for all if it was the last thing she did.


Becca had to find some way to call for help. She had to let Genie know what was happening. In Emerich’s bedroom, she yanked open one drawer after another and found a picture of her, Genie, and Cat taken a few years earlier at their father’s funeral.

Had Emerich been there? Why keep this picture of them from one of the worst days of their lives? To gloat? Fury burned within. Did he need proof that he won? That he succeeded in killing her father?

No, if he’d felt like he’d won, she wouldn’t be there now. He wouldn’t have been stalking her, and none of this would still be happening. This is something more, something bigger.

But what?

“Honey, I’m home!” Emerich called from the living room. She heard the front door open and then slam closed.

She sucked in a deep breath and then carrying the picture, walked into the living room to face him. The man who had already taken so much from her. “What is this?” she demanded, waving the picture at him.

He looked at her and then at the picture. “Have you been snooping, darling? How very rude.”

She threw the picture onto the couch. “You’ve had your fun. Now what do you want from me?”

“What I’ve always wanted. The two of us, together and happy just like we used to be.”

She smirked. “I think Marcie might have a problem with that.”
