Page 42 of Becca's Trouble

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“I did. Too bad it wasn’t real.”

“Oh, I don’t know. I think she genuinely liked you.”

“Really? And what was up with those creepy figurines?”

“Just wanted to let you know you were on my mind. It was Marcie’s idea to sharpen them though, not mine.”

“Nice.” The woman was diabolical. “Just come clean. Tell me what you want and what you’re doing here. This place is huge. What’s up?”

“I love that you don’t know.”

She glared at him. “News flash. I don’t think about you as much as you obviously think about me.”

“Fine. Come on. Let me show you how we’re going to make the world a much better place.” He walked out the door, clearly expecting her to follow him. Did she have a choice? She might not be in a cell eating peanut butter and jelly, but she was still a prisoner just the same.

She followed him as he showed her his entire compound, bragging about all he’s built. His labs, the apartments for the six girls that they hadn’t even started looking for yet. Apparently, Marcie had lied about them being there. She even met the real Debi, who seemed as happy as could be to be a part of the team. No one was a prisoner here.

“You see, there is no need for the CTA any longer,” Emerich said, and Becca was beginning to understand what he was planning next.

It wasn’t enough to kill her father.

He wanted to destroy the CTA.

So what did that mean for all of them?


Becca dutifully followed Emerich around the entire compound. One thing she realized, there weren't nearly as many people here as there should be for a facility this size. She was beginning to wonder if the six helicopters flying in formation and the Jeeps parked in the inner courtyard were just for show.

“I’ve saved the best for last,” Emerich said, opening a door to another apartment. “This one is very similar to mine.”

A portrait of Becca and her sisters hung above the fireplace.

“Tell me you love it,” he said, looking very pleased with himself. “I picked out all the furnishings myself. I know your style and the things that you would like.”

Becca looked around the rooms and had to admit, he had her style down to a T. The old Becca would have loved these rooms, but the new Becca, the woman she is now, found them cold and slightly untouchable.

She was glad she wasn’t that woman anymore.

“They’re beautiful,” she said, looking at the cream, soft Italian leather sofas and the Waterford crystal vases.

He smiled with pride. “We can accomplish so much, you and I. All our dreams are coming true. The cocktails are just about perfect, and Marci and Debi are performing beyond our expectations.” Emerich took her hand in his and brought it to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “I had a batch placed in your refrigerator. You can start taking it again right away.”

She wondered if he added something to the drugs that would make her be able to stand being in the same room with him. It took everything she had not to yank her hand out of his grasp.

Nothing had changed. He was still trying to finish his dad’s work—to create superheroes that would do his bidding.

“Does Debi know what happened to her and the others as children?” she asked, trying to get as much information as she could.

“Yes. They know all about the CTA and their experiments. They want justice. I’m sorry, but they want to see the organization destroyed. I’ve promised them I would do just that. That’s why you’re here.”

Tension built in her chest. “I don’t follow. What does my being here have to do with destroying the CTA?”

“I’m sorry, Becca, but killing your father wasn’t enough. What he and the other scientists did has to be brought out into the light.”

“What are you talking about?” she demanded.

He picked up a remote and hit a button. A television lifted from a table under one of the windows. He turned it on in time to see the tapes playing on the news, old tapes of his father and hers, working with children. Experimenting on them.

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