Page 47 of You Can Trust Me

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“They weren’t having an affair, Blake. It was a shock to them that they were both on the same ship. He said they hadn’t talked in years. Since she met you. Maedidn’tleave with him.”

“And you believe that?”

The wind whips her hair in her face, and she brushes it back just as quickly. “Yes, I do. He said they wanted to have some time just to catch up, but she was worried about telling me, so they thought it was better to wait and meet after I went to bed. Nothing happened. He took her to the elevator and said good night.”

“So he says.” I scoff, rolling my eyes.

“Yes, but there’s more.”


“He said that when he met her at the bar, she was wearing sweatpants and a T-shirt. Not the dress we found in your room.”

Suddenly, I’m hyperaware of everything she’s saying. “Wait, what?”

“Yes.” She looks relieved to finally have an active participant in this conversation. “She changed clothes before she met him. Which means I was right. Shedidcome inside your room and change. She must’ve pushed the dress under the bed so you wouldn’t see it if you woke up before she came back.”

“Ifshe was planning to come back. But then why wouldn’t she take anything else with her?” I picture it: her changing out of her dress next to the bed, occasionally glancing over at me. Did she feel guilty for what she was going to do? Did she think about it at all? What if she’d woken me up? Would she have canceled her plans? Or lied to me about where she was going? “How do we even know he’s telling the truth?”

“We don’t, but it would be easy enough to prove, wouldn’t it? We could ask Diego to look at the footage. To see what she’s wearing that night.”

“Great. Let’s do it.”

“Now you think it’s a good idea?”

“If she did change before she met him, then I have nothing to worry about. The dress being in the room doesn’t make me look more guilty.”

“Unless…” She stops.

“Unless what?”

“Nothing. Forget it.”

“No, unless what, Florence?”

“It’s just something Diego said to me. It’s nothing.”

“What did he say?”

“He…” She shifts her feet awkwardly, not meeting my eyes. “He sort of hinted that he thought you’d woken up when Mae came back to the room. Maybe it woke you up and you followed her and saw her with Zach.”

“And then what?” I don’t even have to ask and she doesn’t have to answer. “Is that whatyouthink happened?”

“No, of course not. I trust you, remember? We’re on the same team. Which reminds me, how do you feel about teammates sharing a room?”


She huffs. “Would it be too big of an issue if I slept in your room tonight?”

My head tilts to the side. “What? Why? Where did that come from?”

“Patton and I broke up. It’s not a big deal. I can sleep on the floor or whatever. I just need somewhere to be that isn’t around him.”

“Yeah, sure,” I say, shrugging one shoulder. “Not like I’ll be sleeping anyway.”


“But I do think we should ask Diego what she was wearing in that video. We don’t have to mention the dress, but I want to know if Zach was lying to us,” I tell her.
