Page 53 of Naughty Songbird

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“Don’t wait your turn, just make me burn,

You lick my thighs, and I close my eyes,

It makes me weep when you take me deep.”

The drumbeat reverberated through the air, and electric tension skittered over my skin. My nipples pebbled and goosebumps flared across my limbs. The hair on the back of my neck rose and heat flushed my cheeks.

Levi leaned back in, meeting my eyes through the mask, and our breaths mingled over the microphone. We sang together now, an erotic harmony of words we created after a long night of lovemaking.

I thought he was a madman the night we met, but Levi was so much more than that. He was caring, kind, and gentle. From the start, he recognized my anxieties and traumas and took care to ease my fears when they were presented.

He loved me despite my past and despite my pain. We found a path I could walk alongside him through his love and the opportunities that he thrust upon me. In that light, I openly loved him in return and knew that our shared spark would never fade.

Even when I’d told Levi that anyone could wear the mask and sing with him after our first tour, he wouldn’t listen.

Levi replied, “You’re the only one I want to sing with, Diana. You’re my naughty little songbird. It can only be you.”

Now the world knows my name again.

The year after our first tour, we went public with our partnership and relationship. The world went wild when the mysterious masked female signing with Levi Stark came into the light. But with him by my side, I had the strength to face the cameras and tabloids once again.

I wore the mask during performances still because it became part of my new onstage persona.

And Levi said it turned him on. Our actions in the backstage dressing room on every tour proved those words to be true.

At the end of the show, perspiration coated my brow under the mask, and a delicious ache formed in my muscles. My lungs burned and the inside of my throat was utterly raw, but I floated on top of the world.

He crossed the stage in a few quick steps, striding through the wispy fog on long legs. “Thank you, Amsterdam. You’ve been a wonderful audience. We’ve enjoyed singing for you tonight, and we appreciate every one of you who made it out to spend the night with us!”

It wasn’t the stage lights or the cheers that filled me with satisfaction. No, that feeling came from the adoring love and tenderness in Levi’s eyes when he stared at me.

Levi’s warm, leather-bound fingers covered mine, lifting our joined hands high into the air. “And give it up for the Naughty Songbird, Diana Stark!”

The host of fans screamed and flashed their lights. A genuine smile at the palpable devotion in the air spread over my lips, visible under the mask.

Without a doubt I believed my dad watched me from some otherworld, hopefully with pride that I kept his love and mine alive. The passion for music that my dad instilled in me would never die, and we both had Levi to thank for reigniting that flame.

Music was part of our family and always would be.

Levi’s younger sister enrolled in music school, and his dad started giving guitar lessons to local kids.

And as we bowed and blew kisses at the crowd, my hand smoothed over the slight swell of my stomach where the next generation grew. A mix of musical talents from rock idol Devan Johnson, popstar Diana Winslow, and rockstar Levi Stark, who was sure to take the music industry by storm someday.

One day my song would end, but the legacy of our love would live on through the sweet music and doting family that Levi and I made together.

