Page 38 of Dark of Night

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Bree frowned and started to nod, then stopped. “She hasn’t said anything. Should I go check on her? What did you see?”

“You know a lot about dogs. Have you ever heard of dogs being able to smell certain illnesses? I read a study about that recently, and I wasn’t sure if it was true.”

“Actually, yes. Milo’s mother was a trained medical dog. She sniffed out cancer, of all things. Why do you ask?”

“Milo has been acting strange around Anu.” He glanced down at Annie. “He keeps burrowing into Anu’s stomach and whining. He won’t leave her alone.”

Annie nodded. “I saw him do that the other day too.”

“I noticed a purplish rash in the webbing of her fingers. The medical name for it is dermatomyositis. And her stomach looked bloated to me. It’s probably nothing, but I’d like her to get her ovaries checked. Just to be on the safe side.”

Bree went pale. “You suspect ovarian cancer?”

“I hope not, but it’s often hard to diagnose, and I don’t like the mild symptoms I saw. Coupled with Milo’s reaction, I’d feel better if she ruled it out.” He glanced again at Annie. “I wasn’t sure how to bring it up to her. She’d think I was out of my mind. I wondered if maybe I should mention it to Dr.Eckright. He could suggest it as a routine checkup.”

“That’s a great idea. She has a yearly checkup with him next week,” Bree said.

“I’ll mention it to him then. There’s no reason to worry Anu if we don’t have to.”

“She’d want to know,” Bree said. “Anu is strong, and she always meets adversity head-on. I don’t think we should treat her like a child.”

“It’s your call then. Do you want to mention it to her, or should I?”

“You’re a doctor. You can explain it better than me.”

Jon wasn’t looking forward to that conversation, but maybe Bree was right. Anu was strong. She’d handle it.


The comforting scent of curry still lingered in the cottage as Jon sat on the sofa and dug into a warm brownie. “I couldn’t have done better myself, Kylie. Good job.”

The little girl beamed at the praise. “I followed your recipe and only forgot the vanilla. Do you think it made much of a difference to leave it out?”

“I can’t taste any difference.”

Annie settled beside him. “I didn’t even have to help her other than getting it out of the oven.”

Kylie scooped up Milo. “Can I playPokémonin the yard before it gets dark?”

Annie glanced at the window. “For half an hour.”

“Thanks, Mommy.” She grabbed her iPad and scooted out the door with the puppy.

Annie sighed and leaned her head back. “What a day. I’m beat.” She lifted her head and stared up at him. “Do you really think Anu has ovarian cancer?”

“I hope not.”

“Do you have a feeling one way or another?”

“I’m a doctor. We go by tests and examinations. No one has checked Anu out for it, so there’s no way of knowing.”

“But you must have some sixth sense you use in cases like this.”

He slipped his arm around her and pulled her close. “You mean my Spidey sense?” Even though he made light of his intuition, it kept bumping up against him.


“I’m concerned. Let’s leave it at that.” He saw the mutinous tip up of her chin. Better distract her. “What about the cam you found? Anything on it?”

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