Page 107 of Kansas

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“Now that’s where things get weird,” the kid said, typing into his computer. “We all know those murders were different. Officer Taylor and his father both died from a single bullet to the head. The FEDs and the Lawton PD are keeping a tight lid on that one. The bureau is still waiting for the ballistics report, so I don’t have any new information at the moment. Only that they both died from a single gunshot to the head.”

“So, we have another killer on the loose?” Pence asked.

Sypher nodded. “Yes. It seems that way.”

“Great,” Monk groaned. “And what can you tell us about that fucker?”

“Nothing, Mr. Monk,” Sypher sighed. “There was no other evidence left at that crime scene. The only incriminating evidence was Mr. Kansas’ name written on Mr. Taylor’s bedroom wall. Whoever wrote it must have been wearing gloves.”

Whisper asked, “Didn’t Kali say that Conroy was rambling about another man? She told us he kept saying we. She said he talked as if he had a partner. What if he wasn’t rambling?”

“What are you saying, Whisper?” Monk growled. “You heard the kid. Both crimes are unrelated.”

“I know brother, but I’m with Pence on this one. It doesn’t make sense. I knew Justin. He wasn’t a killer. Sure, he would defend himself, but cold-blooded murder? Fuck no. It wasn’t in his nature. Not saying he didn’t do the crimes, but for a man like Justin to break, something had to have happened. That’s what we need to figure out, because if Justin had a partner, this man, whoever he is, is more dangerous.”

“Thank you, Sypher. I will call if I need anything more,” I spoke up. I had heard enough.

“Sure thing, Mr. Kansas,” Sypher said, before ending the connection.

“You can’t seriously believe that kid, Kansas,” Monk questioned. Looking at my brother, I nodded. “Yeah. I do. The kid doesn’t lie. He deals in facts and the fact of the matter is there is someone out there wanting me to go down for murder.”

“But why?” Pence asked.

“That’s what I want to know.”


It was late when I snuck out of bed, trying not to wake my sleeping woman. Covering her with the comforter, I quietly left our bedroom, shutting the door behind me. After checking on each of my kids, I headed downstairs to find them all waiting.

Taking a seat at my dining room table, I brought the meeting to order.

Only this wasn’t just any meeting.

Looking at the men sitting around the table, I was seriously worried this plan wouldn’t work. If anything went wrong, I could lose a damn good brother and then I’d be back at square one.

Composed of a few select members of the Diamondback M.C., I chose brothers I knew I could trust. To my right sat Trigger, Angel, and Judd. Sitting at the end of the table was Shadow, the odd man out. On the other side of me sat Ashe, Fifty, Bongo and Lips.

Looking at my brothers, I began, “You guys are here because you joined the club after the massacre. None of you were present during that time and each of you has proved yourself to me and the club. Shadow, you are here because of your devotion to my wife and you see shit outside the box. A member of this club has brought my allegiance to the Diamondback M.C. into question because I am a branded brother of the Soulless Sinners.”

“What the hell?” Angel said, sitting up straighter.

“That’s bullshit, Prez,” Bongo added. “We don’t give a shit about that.”

“Bongo’s right, Kansas,” Trigger spoke. “Can’t help who your family is.”

“No, but an officer of the club can, especially if they consider that family a threat,” Shadow muttered. “I’m assuming that’s why none of the officers are present for this meeting?”

I was right to bring in Shadow.

Fucker saw the bigger picture.

I nodded.

Angel looked at me. “Who’s questioning your loyalty, Prez?”

“That’s what we’re going to find out,” I grinned. “And when we get our hands on the bastard, we are going to kill him.”

This is not the end…
