Page 49 of Kansas

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“Where do they go?” Kansas asked, looking at the narrow staircase that only went upwards.

“Let me show you,” I smiled, taking his hand and leading him up the stairs, where another door stopped me. Turning the handle, I opened it and walked into a small room. Moving to the side so Kansas could see, I waited.

“What in the hell?”

Grinning, I added, “When Vivi and I researched the original plans for the house, we couldn’t find any mention or drawing of this room. It made no sense. Why create a room like this and not have it documented? Then it hit me. They originally built the house before prohibition. Built in 1898 shortly after the Oklahoma Land Rush by a man named Victor Roberts. A self-made millionaire, Roberts wanted a change of pace. He struck liquid gold after the land rush when one of the many derricks on the property struck oil. He traveled for a while and in 1911, he met his future bride in England. From what I could find out, Roberts’s fiancé was the daughter of some earl and wanted a quiet life in the country.”

“Good thing he already had this place, then.”

“Exactly. They married April 2nd, 1912, and made their way here. Only they never arrived. He never got the chance to show his new bride this place.”

“Why’s that?”

“They booked passage on a White Star Line out of Liverpool on April 10, 1912.”


“Kansas,” I gasped, shocked that he didn’t get it. “They boarded the Titanic.”

“Damn,” he whistled, looking about the small room. “So not only do we have a house that was once a school for Indian girls, but the man who built the house died on the Titanic?”


“Gotta say babe, don’t know about this place anymore. Kind of seems cursed if you ask me. Maybe we should sell it and look for another?”

I shrieked, “Hell no! I love this place. So, what if it didn’t have a good start? It will now. I’m not giving this place up.”

Kansas chuckled, wrapping me in his arms. “Was just kidding with ya, babe. As much as you spent fixing this place up, I’m having my ass buried in the backyard and I plan to haunt future generations. This place was a money pit.”

“But you like it, don’t you?”

“If you love it, then I love it. Now, what about this room? It’s too small for anything.”

“Well, I was thinking maybe it could be our special place that only you and I know about.”

Kansas smirked, then drawled, “Don’t know,babe. I think I need to make sure it’s special enough.”

Backing up as he stalked me, I laughed. “You have a nasty mind, Kansas.”

“Yes, but you love my nasty.”

He was right. I did.

“Why can’t Tig live with me? My room is big enough. I will share.”

God, give me strength.

This was our first night in the new house and Talia was in one of her moods. She was fine all day while Trigger and the others helped move in the last of our things from the penthouse, but when it came time for bed, my daughter wanted nothing to do with her beautiful room or the house I worked myself to the bone to fix.

All she wanted was Trigger.

“Hey, Hellraiser,” the man of the hour walked into my daughter’s room and kneeled beside her bed. “I’m not going anywhere. I still got to help the Prez out with some boxes and stuff. Why don’t you get some sleep and when you wake up in the morning, we can have breakfast together? Okay?”

“You sleep in here when you’re done?”

Trigger shook his head. “Can’t, sweetheart. I don’t live here. I sleep at the clubhouse with the rest of the brothers. You know that.”

Kansas walked into Talia’s room, shaking his head. “Hellraiser still causing problems?”
