Page 57 of Sinner's Redemption

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“Generally, yes. But when there is a threat to me, there are rules set in place to ensure that I stay alive.”

“A threat? What threat? Montana, what is going on?”

“I’ll tell you. Only because you are involved, but you need to prepare yourself. What I am about to say, you will not like. I’m asking you to let me get it all out before you decide to leave me. Okay?”

Tessa nodded, giving me her undivided attention.

Leaning forward, I turned to face the woman who held my heart in her hand and began. “The club found out who is blacklisting you. The club believes they know why the surrounding hospitals won’t hire you. It’s nothing you’ve done, baby. It’s me.”

Looking up at her, she questioned me with her eyes, staying silent as I continued. “Remember the party? The night I branded you. We were so happy. I claimed you in front of all my brothers. I declared you were my woman. You never cried when the iron touched your skin. I was so fucking proud, baby. Knew you were it for me. All the chapters sent emissaries to celebrate. The party lasted for three fucking days.

“What you don’t know, and I never told you, was that becoming the ol’ lady to the President of the National Chapter is a big deal. It’s also a dangerous one. With my brand on your back, I knew I was putting your life in danger. So, I took measures to ensure that you would be safe. Then you got the call about your mom and left. I should have gone after you. I know that now. Instead, I acted like a fucking scorned pussy bitch and carried on. Now that you are home and we’ve picked up the pieces, there have been concerns. Not about you, but about me.

“The board discovered evidence that suggests the blacklisting you’ve been experiencing is targeting me, not you. That someone wants to hurt me. One way to do that is to use you. All the hospitals you were applying to won’t hire you because a non-profit charity is giving them millions in donations to refuse you.

“The woman who came to visit you in my room. The one who claimed to be my mother. Storm went through the video recordings. We know what she looks like. We thought she was a one off, a disgruntled piece from my past. I remembered Barney telling me that someone broke into your locker at the club. Called and had him send us the video. It wasn’t the bitch Stacie. It was the same woman you met three years ago. Storm broke into a few of the hospital surveillance feeds. We have seen the same woman at three of the hospitals you’ve applied to.

“To make matters worse, Mercy contacted the owner of the building you and Tia live in. Security cams on the outside of the building show the same woman on the phone. Moments later, cops show up. We saw her talking to them. Moments later, the feed shows you running towards them. I saw what that motherfucker did to you. He will pay for that, baby. The front gallery showed the two fuckers exiting the building. We have their identities and know who they are with. We believe this woman hired them.

“Everything you’ve gone through since you returned to New York City, every obstacle you’ve overcome, wasn’t because of something you’ve done, baby. The club believes it’s a piece from my past and she wants to hurt me.”

“And to get to you, she is using me?”

I nodded. “That’s right.”

“Who is she?”

“I don’t know.”

Chapter Seventeen


I got to my feet. I thought better when I was moving. Sitting and listening to him, my nerves were about to snap. I had so many questions I didn’t know where to begin.

Hugging myself, I paced the small, suffocating room.

I knew Montana was waiting for my condemnation, my anger, to tell him I was taking our son and leaving. I had every right to and this time he wouldn’t stop me, especially if I found out there was a threat to York. I would do anything to keep him safe, even if it meant I would never see Montana again.

I wasn’t stupid. I knew what Montana did daily wasn’t exactly legal. The man was the President of the National Chapter of the Soulless Sinners. He didn’t get that position because of his sunny disposition. The man was cunning, ruthless and deadly. I saw that firsthand when he killed Robbie and the other men who kidnapped me off the streets.

In the three years I dated Montana, I knew he was what everyone wanted, men and women. More so the women. Girls would clamor, seduce and do anything to get a piece of him. I knew he wasn’t a choirboy by any means. The man had a past. A very colorful and extensive past, but none of that mattered to me. Not in the beginning. All I cared about was that he was mine, that he wanted me and was faithful to me.

“During our time together did you ever stray?”

He shook his head. “No, baby. Not once.”

“So, for three years, I was the only woman you slept with?”

“Until you left,” he nodded. I knew he wasn’t a saint by any means. I left him. He was free to fuck whomever he wanted. So was I, not that I did. Still, the thought of him with another woman after I left sent a twinge of pain straight to my heart. The fact was I left. I knew the rules. Expecting him to stay faithful during the time I was away was an impossible feat. Hell, when I left, I had no intention of ever coming back here. I couldn’t be mad at something I technically started.

Moving on, I asked, “Could there be a link between this woman and the club?”

“The board is considering every option, but I don’t see how. The club only uses women for one thing.”

I knew that.

I watched as women clamored and paraded themselves around the club brothers, eager to get a biker between their legs. I watched countless times as girls begged, pleaded with Barney to attend a club party, but I was never one of those girls. I met Montana by chance when he showed up at the Gentlemen’s club.
