Page 80 of Slap Shot Seduction

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“Dumb,” I whispered.

Or maybe it had been secret denial.

I knew exactly what Steven was doing, right?

I had known for a long time.

I refused to believe it or play into it.

I reached for my phone and thought about calling him.

Rip into him! Scream at him! Tell him off!

He wasn’t going to answer.

He was probably with a stripper right now.

Naked. Kissing her.

His dick hard and ready.

I buried my face into my hands.

I kept replaying the images in my head of me stripping for him. Trying to flirt and be sexy. Grabbing for him. Sitting on him.

I groaned when I thought about how I grabbed my own boob and tried to stuff it into his mouth.

And he rejected it all.

My moves.

My flirting.

My advances.


My body.

“Okay, Anna, that’s enough,” I said.

I stood up and walked to my desk.

“This is what’s happening. This is getting rid of the old. The bad. The not needed. It feels horrible but it’s not. If this office isn’t meant to be, so what? There are millions of offices. And Steven? Really? Is that the guy you want to be with? Hell no. That thing was going to end eventually. It should have ended a long time ago.”

I pushed from the desk and smiled.

“See? It’s all done. The bad is going away.”

That includes Joe too.

I was free and getting more and more free by the second.

A wave of euphoria washed over me and I got back on the couch and shut my eyes.

I slept all night with ease and woke up to sunlight flooding my office.

I sat up and stretched my neck.
