Page 11 of The King of Spring

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“Why would I listen to him?” Zeus counters, but his tone is too defensive. Kore knows if he can see through Zeus, Hera certainly can.

“Because that’s what you do, isn’t it? You and that poison buddy-up together while upending lives.”

“When?” Zeus demands, fury radiating off of him in crackling waves that would make Kore cower.

However, Hera stands tall, defiant as she glares up at her husband’s face.

“When?” She replies in disbelief, and a hollow laugh leaves her throat. “Do you have any love for your children?”

“How can you ask me that?” Zeus' tone is vulnerable, aching as he steps closer to her. Hera pulls away from him, shaking her head.

“You hurt everyone you love, Zeus. Whatever this decision costs us, remember that you made your choice.” Hera slaps his hand when he reaches for her. “You don’t deserve me or my blessing.”

“I can force Hades' hand without your blessing,” Zeus hisses. His hurt and rage bleed into his words, sparks of lightning cut through the night. A testament to his power.

“Go ahead. I don’t want her coming for my head when she comes for yours.” Hera stomps back to the palace, leaving Zeus alone in the garden. He releases a sigh, turning his face up toward the moon.

“Fuck,” Zeus mutters, sitting down on one of the golden benches. The lightning winks out, and after a moment of thoughtful silence he turns his head toward Kore’s hiding place. Kore swallows, fear straightening his spine when Zeus says, “You should come out, little god. I know you’re there.”

Shit.Kore gathers his bag, hoisting the strap over his shoulder as he moves from behind the wild honeysuckle. “Um, hi?” he begins.

Zeus rolls his eyes. “Why the hell are you hiding in my bushes?” Zeus asks, when Kore approaches where Zeus sits.

“I,” Kore clears his throat. “I kinda ran away from home.”

Zeus releases a bright laugh at that confession and pats the seat beside him. “Sit down, and get out one of those smelly cones I’ve seen you smoking in my garden.”

Kore grins despite his fear.

As he sits down, he unzips his bag and pulls out one of the silk pouches he brought from home. Kore hands it to Zeus and says, “I’ve got a couple in there, and a lighter too.”

Zeus pulls out two with a scoff, “Amateur.”

He hands a cone to Kore and waits for Kore to put the cone between his lips. Once he does, Zeus reaches over with his finger, placing the tip to Kore’s cone and lighting it with a small strike of lightning.

“That’s badass,” Kore tells him, grinning as he takes a drag.

“Yeah, it used to impress the ladies,” Zeus says, lighting his own cone. “Now, nothing does.” He glances up the path Hera took inside.

They sit in companionable silence. Kore listens to the night as they smoke. Zeus seems to crave his company more than Kore desires Zeus’. Rulers tend to exude loneliness.

"Why does it have to be this way?" Kore asks, once their cones are half gone.

“She needs a powerful god by her side as a king." Zeus doesn’t pretend to misunderstand Kore’s question.

"After all this time, she’s incapable of running the Underworld alone?" The kush makes Kore braver than he’d be in ordinary circumstances.

"My sister is quite capable, but it’s a big job. There are other factors, too. Kronos being the predominant source of mine and Poseidon’s worry.”

He tells Kore about Poseidon with ease, but Zeus could not tell Hera. Kore files that away, a curiosity he can study at a later date.

“Hades is powerful, but she’ll have other priorities soon. She’s a woman, Kore.” He says that as if Kore can’t see beyond his terror when gazing upon Hades. Ridiculous. “Women have certain callings,” Zeus continues. “Motherhood and wifely duties. Once Hades has a child of her own, her strength will wane. Kings don’t have such weaknesses.”

Kore watches Zeus with new eyes—the sort of eyes Demeter wears when observing Kore. Disgust.

Zeus doesn’t notice as he sucks down the last of his cone. “I just wish I could find a sap to volunteer. Hades is going to kill him, you know. Or kill him as much as you can kill an immortal. There’s not an idiot in existence who’d volunteer for that.”

"I’d volunteer."
