Page 100 of Skyla

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He smirked. “Even if that’s true, I’m not taking chances with you. Stay in bed for an hour. I’ll know if you don’t.”

I hesitated, wondering if I should push him. It was fun to sass them and see the fire in their eyes. But my bodywastired, and I wasn’t interested in embarrassing myself by collapsing when I wasn’t ready to stand. “Okay.”

“Good girl.”

I closed my eyes. “You guys can’t just say that and get away with everything for eternity.”

Laughing, he leaned in and pressed a kiss beneath my ear. “Watch me.” The whisper had shivers prickling my skin. “If you need anything, call me, please.”

“I will.”

Grave lifted my hand to his mouth, kissing the back of it before dressing. He pinned me to the bed with his gaze one more time before leaving, both a promise of more and a warning not to move.

It was easy to follow through. I dozed for a while, just letting myself relax until it was time before I got myself up. Did being fucked after midnight count toward today? Because I ached. I wasn’t going to be able to take anyone else today.

The shower felt incredible, and by the time I was finished, I felt almost normal besides the strain in my body.

“Cream Puff?” I realized I hadn’t seen her since I got out of bed. “Where are you?”

I didn’t hear any chirps or even movement. She wasn’t in the living room or kitchen, and she wasn’t in the closet. Finally digging through one of my suitcases, I found my clothes and put on something that was entirely mine.

You didn’t realize how attached you were to the comfort of your own possessions until you were suddenly without them. I slipped on a pair of comfortable sneakers and looked around, grabbing my phone. “Puff? Baby?”

Again, nothing. It was likely she was probably passed out in a corner somewhere, but I couldn’t ignore the anxiety in my chest. Maybe Grave had seen her this morning.

I shoved my sudden fear to the side and left, crossing the plaza to the clubhouse. Calling Grave in a panic wasn’t something I wanted to do. I would look here first. If he had to check on things, I didn’t want to interrupt in case it was important or sensitive.

Male laughter flowed out of the clubhouse just before I pushed through the door. Delta stood at the end of the bar, holding what looked like a straw on the end of a piece of string. Cream Puff jumped, trying to reach it, failing entirely. That didn’t mean she didn’t keep trying, or race down the bar after it as Delta pulled it across the surface.

Relief flowed through me. Delta looked up and grinned. I didn’t even realize my hand was pressed to my chest until his eyes dropped to it. “Hey there.”

“Hey.” My voice was still raspy. “I’m glad she’s here. I couldn’t find her.”

Cream Puff saw me and chirped. I crossed to the bar and let her climb onto my shoulder. “Sorry. This morning I heard her through the ceiling crying. Not bad or anything, but she seemed like she wanted attention. You and Grave were still passed the fuck out, so I brought her here.”

He captured my mouth with his, kissing me until Puff started batting at our faces, dissatisfied with the amount of attention. I laughed as we broke apart. “No,” I said. “I’m glad she’s okay. Next time just shoot me a text.”

“Will do.” Delta smirked at the way I sounded. “Have a good time?”

“The pictures say I did. And it feels like I have the gym hangover of a lifetime.”

Instead of kissing me again, he wrapped one arm around my waist. Puff purred against my neck, and I couldn’t help but smile. I loved this. It felt normal and happy and not like a fight that might kill people hung over our heads.

“I guess I don’t have to track down Grave now,” I said. “But I could use some food. Do you do food here?”

Delta chuckled. “We haven’t really caught you up to speed, have we?”

I gave him a look. “Every time I’ve set foot in this bar, I’ve barely been in here ten minutes because one of you is dragging me away to fuck me, or, you know…”

We were attacked.

“Well, yes,” he admitted. “But we do have food. The dining room would—”

“I want bar food. Mozzarella sticks and fries. Chicken fingers and grease.”

“Grease isn’t a food.”

Spiral appeared behind the bar. “The hell it isn’t. If that’s what you want? You got it.”
