Page 101 of Skyla

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“That’s what I want.”

He disappeared into the back, and I looked around for signs of the attack. There weren’t many, other than some burn marks. One of the good things about magic, I guessed. But there were some new beams in the ceiling, and further down the bar, I spotted a section that looked freshly varnished.

I set Puff down on the bar and pointed her back toward the straw and string. She batted it and leapt, giving me a chance to wrap my arms around Delta’s neck and let him hold me.

“Mmm, I like this.”

Smiling into his shirt, I closed my eyes. “I do too, but I don’t know what to do with myself.”

“What do you mean?”

I sighed, leaning on his shoulder and watching Puff out of the corner of my eye. “I mean, going from having a job to just… being around is kind of weird. Like I know I could go dance in the studio, but it still feels odd.”

“You can do whatever you want.”

“So I can help you guys?”

Delta went stiff before relaxing again and lifting me onto a barstool. “I guess everything but that.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”

He shook his head. “You should talk to Silver about it. As far as we’re concerned, you’re the Princess of Shadows. Maybe even Queen after we bond with you. But as far as theIronShadows? That’s not going to happen.”

“Let me guess. No women.”

“You got it.”


He shrugged. “Just the way it is.”

I made a face, but didn’t push it with him. Mostly because I didn’t care. I was going to be here regardless, and like hell did I want to go through the hell it took to get patched in.

Spiral brought my food out. It was like I’d never seen food in my entire life. My stomach woke up and growled, and I moaned when I took a bite. “Fuck, that’s good.”

“If you want to stay in the clubhouse, don’t make those sounds and say the word ‘fuck.”

Laughing, I took a sip of the water Spiral brought me. “I can’t,” I said. “Not today. Not that I wouldn’t enjoy it, but after last night—”

“Nothing saying I can’t put my mouth on you,” he countered. “You too sore for that?”

I swallowed. “No.”

Delta’s pierced eyebrow rose. “Do I hear a but in there?”

“But I’m really hungry and I want to stay.”

He moved behind the bar stool, wrapping his arms around my waist and placing his chin on my shoulder. “I’m teasing you, Sky. I always want to eat your pussy, but I promise I’m not going to drag you out like a caveman. Right now.”

God, this food was good. Even after eating all the pasta last night, I was ravenous. Sometimes the only thing you needed in your life was rich, greasy food.

Delta entertained Puff with the string, even letting her jump into his hands off the bar, catching her when her wings didn’t hold her weight. But she loved it, because every time he put her back, she wiggled her little butt and lined up to go again.

Comet and Silver came out of the back hallway, instantly zeroing in on me.

“Hey, baby girl.” Silver kissed my hair.

