Page 119 of Skyla

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“Nice of them.”

“Yeah, no kidding.”

I connected my phone to the speakers, and we went to work. When Crimson Petal was all we had, we had to alternate if we were practicing. This had plenty of room.

Even with the bruises peppering my skin, there was delicious freedom in losing myself to the music again. A sense of normalcy, even if it was bright in the studio and there weren’t any eyes on me.

This new sense of energy and power which lurked within me took over, taking me to that rare place where I merged with my performance and just let it happen.

“Damn girl.”

Jessie’s voice snapped me out of it. I slid down to the floor and suddenly felt the weight of my body again, and the near-exhaustion. But I didn’t care. I wanted more. More exhilaration and more losing myself. More of the seamless version of myself I hoped to be.

“You’ve been going for two hours straight, you know that?”

I blinked. “Really?”

She shook out her ponytail, and I only just noticed that she was covered in sweat. So was I. “Yeah. I’m going to get some food at the clubhouse if you want to join?”

“Umm,” I tried to cover my wince unsuccessfully. “Every time I go to the clubhouse something bad seems to happen. I think I’ll pass for now.”

Jessie shrugged. “Okay. See you later, and thanks for letting me play.”

I waited until the outer door closed before I started again. Some breaks were necessary, but I didn’t stop. Everything felt stronger, and though I was tired, I needed this.

Maybe I was hiding.

I didn’t care.

This was the first time I felt like my old self.

The light in the studio turned golden, and I dropped from the pole I’d been working on and turned toward the empty side of the studio. The pole there was suspended above the floor. You could do so many beautiful things I’d never had the chance to try.

Sure, Skyla.Try new things while you’re exhausted.

Pressing my lips together, I approached the pole. Doing things while you were tired helped you when you weren’t. It made you better. Gripping the swinging pole, I hauled upward, and stopped, my skin prickling.

Silver leaned against the wall by the door, watching me with heated eyes.

“How long have you been there?”

“Long enough.”

Dropping to the floor, I went over to him, enjoying the way his eyes roved over me. Skin was a necessity in pole dancing to help you control yourself. I wasn’t wearing much.

“You’ve been in here all day, baby girl.”

“It felt good.”

He smiled softly, reaching out to tuck a stray hair behind my ear. “You don’t have to stop.”

“If you’re here to take me back to your apartment I do.”

“It is my turn.” The words were mild, but something lurked behind them.

“Why do I feel like there’s more than that?”

Silver shook his head. “Tomorrow, baby girl. Tomorrow’s the last day.”
