Page 128 of Skyla

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When they woke up they would be beyond pissed I did this. They might even punish me.

I smiled at the thought.

The kind of punishments my mates would use against me didn’t frighten me. Even if theydidfrighten me, I still had to do this. Everything that had happened was because of me.

Was it all my fault? No.

Kramer had done this. And the Court of Sunlight when they killed my parents. Fang, when he decided to take on the Iron Shadows despite knowing it was against the treaty.

But in the end, if I wasn’t in the picture, none of this happened. Clementine wasn’t beaten. Kramer, asshole that he turned out to be, wasn’t shot or killed. Jessie and Maggie weren’t forced to leave their homes, and the rest of No Man’s Land wasn’t afraid for their lives.

I was going to fix it.

The exact same things that made hybrids infinitely dangerous were the things that made it possible for me to destroy them.

My resolve hardened. Spells wouldn’t work. I wasn’t fully fae yet, so the spells they prepared to hurt fae who came after them wouldn’t touch me. The power of a bomb rested beneath my skin, and I was going to use it.

I pressed my face into Puff’s stretched out stomach, enjoying the fluff of her fur. Catnip. When this was over she was going to try catnip. The image of her freaking out over the stuff made me laugh. “Be good, kitty.”

The October morning was chilly. I put on Silver’s hoodie over my t-shirt and jeans. Sneakers so I could run if I needed to. Then I pulled up the hood and left.

Fog slid over the concrete of the plaza, weaving in and out of the wrought-iron fence. Everything looked distant, like we were underwater. This was perfect. It would make it easier to get where I needed to go.

I glanced around, making sure no one was watching before I slipped out the smaller side gate. It wasn’t a short walk, and I needed to move. Stealing a bike was off the table. That would probably be a worse offense than leaving the compound and walking straight into the arms of the enemy.

“Where are you going?”

I froze, turning to find Bookend outside the gate, along with Ghost, Jessie’s boyfriend.

“Are you going to stop me?”

Ghost looked me up and down. “If we don’t, Silver will rip our heads off.”

“Tell us where,” Bookend said again.

Straightening my spine, I channeled confidence I didn’t fully feel. I could do this, but it wasn’t without risk. Lifting my hand, I let my power sparkle at my fingertips. “I was going to walk into the Legion’s clubhouse and triggerathanasía.”

Ghost’s eyes went wide, and Bookend just laughed. “Really?”

“Do you have a better idea?” I snapped. “I’m not going to let them destroy No Man’s Land, and I’m sure as hell not going to let them attack us here. Not when I can stop it.”

“They know you’re gone?” Ghost asked.

I shook my head. “No.”

He looked back toward the compound, and my stomach sank. “It would be faster if you took me to the border,” I said quickly. “I don’t know how much time we have, and it’s a long way on foot.”

“I don’t want to die,” Ghost said. “Sorry, Sky. I love Jessie, and I love my club. I can’t risk that.”

“Did they tell you not to?” I locked eyes with both of them. “Specifically? Did they tell you not to take me anywhere?”

Bookend smirked. “No, they didn’t.”

“Then are you going to help me? Or are you going to stand here wasting my time?”

Shaking his head, Bookend pointed to his bike. “Get on.”

“Bookend,” Ghost said, voice low. “He’ll slit your throat.”
