Page 133 of Skyla

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Swirling black magic dropped, revealing us, and a surge of Blazing Legion members fell in our direction where they’d pressed against the barrier.

Grave stepped in front of me, shooting one in the head. He crumpled, and I blinked. Knowing what that was like and seeing it were two different things.

Power sang in my body. I feltstrong. Like I could leap over this entire battlefield and run the length of the city in a second. It was addictive and unstable. This level wouldn’t last.

Athanasíahad beeneasy. Light took over my body and for a moment, I hadn’t been sure if I was alive or dead. Then pleasure overtook me like I was at the mercy of my mates. When I opened my eyes, the buildings were gone and what remained of the Legion surrounded that shield.

Comet grabbed me around the waist, swinging me out of the way of an incoming spell as he shot at another warlock.

Around me, they all fought, bodies falling in a circle. They were smooth and fluid, delivering death with ruthless efficiency. The knife Silver put in my hand felt like a toy in comparison.

They would never let anyone get close enough for me to use it.

Across the space, I saw a Blazing Legion member fall to his knees and hold up his hands in surrender. Rocketman stood in front of him. They were so far away, and yet I saw them with perfect clarity. If I focused, I might be able to hear words. I thought I’d had true fae senses.

I’d been wrong.

My senses had been better than a normal human’s, but nothing compared to this.

Like the Legion hadn’t known they could surrender, more fell to their knees in front of whoever they were fighting. There weren’t many left.

“Fang,” Silver called, his voice as resonant as mine had been. “Come out, you coward. You wanted this. Face the consequences.”

A few yards away from us, the world seemed tomove, and I suddenly saw the glimmer I’d missed in my dazed, magical state. The illusion disappeared from around Fang, who was entirely unharmed. He’d thrown a shield up just before I exploded. I thought it was to protect his men, not just himself.

Anger curled in my gut.

He looked shaken. The bodies on the ground weren’t the Iron Shadows. I barely saw anyone with a scratch. All these deaths were on his head, and the reality of that was catching up to him.

Silver spread his hands. “This is what you wanted. I warned you.”

Fang sneered. “Not a fair fight.”

“No. It wasn’t,” Silver whispered. “But it was never going to be, was it? You would have taken every advantage to harm us and weaken us, and it wouldn’t have mattered. Have you had enough?”

Rage contorted his features. “You killed my father. It willNEVER BE ENOUGH.”

Silver held out his gun, and Comet took it from him. “Is this what you really want? Me? No magic and no weapons, just a fair fight?”

Wraith slipped an arm around my waist, pulling me against his body and lifting me away. My four other mates all gave Silver space and surrounded me, protecting even though the battle was clearly over.

Fang stared at Silver like he didn’t believe he would get the opportunity.

“I can’t lie to you, Fang. I have no other weapons on me. I will not use my power to fight you.”

“Perfect.” The cruel smile on Fang’s face sent chills down my spine.

“Just know this,” Silver said. “If you fight me, you will die.”

Fang strode forward over the dead bodies of his club members. No sign that he cared about the carnage he caused. His power shimmered around him, and I felt—

“He’s not going to fight fair,” I gasped. “He has his magic. He has a knife.”

Wraith bent his lips to my ear. “Yes he does, princess. It doesn’t matter.”

