Page 132 of Skyla

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Something close to panic clawed up my throat. An unfamiliar sensation. Not much made me afraid.

Skyla standing alone in front of the entire Blazing Legion alone made me afraid.

She did it.

She really fucking did it.

We felt the impact of herathanasíafrom across the city. Wherever she was, it would be lucky to be standing.

The five of us rode together at the front of the pack. Members peeled off here and there, likely sensing those who were running from Skyla.

Perverse pride filled my chest. I was fucking pissed at her and was going to turn her ass cherry red for doing this. But the fact that she did, and that they were running from her? That was my fuckingqueen.

The strangled sounds of fighting filled my ears. Crackling and burning and the smell of death. We tore around the corner to the most beautiful thing I’d ever fucking seen.

Skyla stood in the middle of the wreckage, clothed in light. An orb of glittering white brilliance surrounded her, keeping out the warlocks that were throwing everything at it. Her hair floated around her head, and her eyes were closed like she slept peacefully.

We saw through it.

From here I saw the way her lips were pressing together in concentration, body shaking. This was taking everything. But around her, the Legion compound and clubhouse were nothing but dust, and bodies littered the ground between us and her. Nothing remained of all the spells and sigils they’d place there. She’d blown them all away.

I nearly ditched my bike getting off it, pulling my gun and aiming. One of the warlocks dropped, and those around him turned.

Silence fell over them and us. The warlocks took in the entirety of the club behind me. This was the war they wanted.

Have fun, I said to the club, and we were running.

Warlocks and fae clashed together, magic and metal. I dodged a knife aimed at my gut, slicing through the man with my shadows. My only priority was getting to Skyla. That kind of magic only lasted so long. She didn’t have practice holding it, and I wasn’t going to let it fucking fail.

Beside me, Wraith punched a man in the head so hard his skull cracked. Delta plunged his knife through someone’s neck. I heard Comet swear and the following sickthudof a body dropping.

It was a bloodbath.

The warlocks weren’t prepared for this. They were humans. Young. And their magic didn’t go bone deep. It was crafted with ingredients and innate talent. Enough to use, but they weren’tmade of it.

We were hundreds of years old, and few had clean hands. This was always how it was going to end.

I slammed through Skyla’s shield, her magic recognizing that of her mate and king. My power flowed out to strengthen her shield at the same time I hauled her against my chest and kissed her.

She gasped under my lips, mouth melting for me.

When she opened her eyes, they glowed. Luminous blue. Pure fae. Immortal. And the eyes of royalty. She wasmine.


“You’re here.”

“We’re here,” I said, handing Skyla a knife. “Time to finish it.”

We would deal with everything else later.

The others arranged themselves around her. We turned to face the battle, and I dropped the shield.




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