Page 139 of Skyla

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My stomach swooped. Comet pulled me backwards into his arms, kissing along my collarbone. I offered him light, and he offered me darkness. Wild and free, his darknessburned. But it also was warmth and gentleness. I gasped, feeling the dichotomy and the way they came together forme.

Finally, I stood before Silver. Holding out my palm, I called my power, and he brought his.

I pressed my palm to his heart.

My knees gave out, and he caught me. Silver’s darkness was the starkness of space and the coldness between stars. The vastness of the unknown and the closeness of gathering gloom. It felt infinite, and yet I could reach all of him.

All of them washed over me, different shadows.

My back hit the mattress, and Grave’s mouth fell on mine. Every touch echoed through my body like it had wings, and they felt it too. I felttheirpleasure.

“I’ll never survive you,” I laughed. “It’s going to be overload.”

“Better not,” Delta said. “We have too much planned for you.”

Silver kissed between my breasts, dragging his mouth downward. “You’re ours, baby girl. It doesn’t matter how long it takes for you to get used to us. We have the time, and you’re getting fucked every day.”

I smiled, my skin lighting up beneath his touch. They all stared at me, spellbound. “I love you,” I told them. “I love you so fucking much. Now I need you to prove it.”

They nearly crashed into each other in their eagerness, creating a tangle of limbs and mouths and hands on my body.

Arching into them, I surrendered.

I belonged to the shadows, and like hell was I ever going back.





“Please come down,” I said with a sigh, looking up at Cream Puff on the rafter she liked to perch on. She watched me, fluttering her wings and blinking slowly. “I’ll give you a treat if you come down.”

Ever since her wings were able to hold her, she was an absolute menace, and I loved the fuck out of her. But she ended up in places that made me nervous. Like the rafters of the new Crimson Petal,waytoo close to the apparatus that controlled the non-stationary pole and the silks.

With all the money I got from Kramer and a healthy dose of magic, the Crimson Petal was now attached to the clubhouse. It was always busy, and it was a nice commute, since I lived right there. Clementine and Jessie still danced, much to Ghost and Circuit’s dismayandpleasure. Circuit was patched in a month ago, and I was still struggling not to call him Brian. I was getting better.

“Please, Puff.”

She sighed out a breath like I was being dramatic, but stood up and streeeetched her front paws out before leaping and gently floating down to me. I caught her and cuddled her to my chest. “You’re going to give me a heart attack, you know that?”

“No heart attacks allowed.” Grave set a case of glasses on the bar. “Not on my watch.”

“Can you stop her from going up there?” I raised an eyebrow. “Otherwise I think it’s in the cards.”

I set my wayward cat on the bar, and she leapt off, going after one of the jingle balls we kept for her and batting it over to the stage, weaving in and around the chairs.

“Mmm,” Grave came around the bar and squeezed me to him. “I’m looking forward to tonight.”



A thrill went through me. His excitement bled through our bond, and it only made me more aroused. I was his tonight. Not only that, but we were doing a bit of role-play.

I didn’t dance for the club anymore, but I danced forthem.After hours, when only their eyes were on me. And tonight I was dancing for Grave before he played the role of an eager patron, and I played the part of the hard-to-get dancer.
