Page 138 of Skyla

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“You’re Sunlight Fae, baby girl. I wasn’t sure. Just because the Court of Sunlight killed your parents, it wasn’t proof of which Court your mother was from. The Court of Sunlight has always been ruthless, and it wouldn’t matter to them which Court a fae belonged to. If they found them breaking the law, they’d take care of it. But you’re one of them. Your body glowed long after you passed out, and it was fucking beautiful.”

I stared at the sparkles hovering by my fingers. “Sunlight…”

“Âmmelune. The light to our darkness,” Grave said.

The moon that lives in my soul, they called it.

“I don’t know how to feel about it,” I said honestly. “After everything they’ve done.”

Wraith stepped closer. “They’ll never touch you. Especially not after today.”

Silver’s hands slid around my waist, peeling his hoodie up and over my head. “You’re immortal now, baby girl. We can bond with you.”

My heart kicked into high gear. “Really?”

“Really,” Delta said, pulling off his shirt. “I can’t fucking wait.”

“Is fucking involved? Do you like, bite me?”

Silver laughed, a bright, rich tone that filled the room as he turned me toward him. “No, we don’t bite you, baby girl. Just tell me you’re ready, and we’ll show you. And no,” he kissed my shoulder. “Fucking isn’t involved with bonding. But we will absolutely be fucking you when we’re finished.”

The brush of his lips over my skin resonated in an entirely different way now that I wasn’t human. I felt iteverywhere. “That’s going to take some getting used to.”

“We have all the time in the world,” Grave said.

Tears came to my eyes, and I blinked them away. “I’m ready.”

Silver held out his hand, palm up. I did the same. “Imagine a spark,” he said. “The tiniest point of magic you can make, but it’s pure. A drop so pure it’sonlyyou.”

I closed my eyes, picturing it exactly as he said. My whole body lit up with magic, tingling from my head to my toes. This wasincredible. And more than that, I was still me.

Me, but more.


Light hovered above my palm. Nothing but a grain of sand, brighter than the sun.

Delta had switched places with Silver, and a drop of darkness hovered over his palm. There weren’t more words. Delta took my wrist and pulled my palm to his chest, placing his on mine. Arushof raven’s wings and fluttering shadows. The sun on sand and the excitement of being alive.

I took a deep breath. “Wow.”

Delta was inside me. I nearly giggled, but I couldn’t, because I was too busy feeling the echoes of him. I knew how badly he wanted me and how much he loved me. Like having a glimpse into his mind without being able to see it clearly.

“My turn.” Grave turned me to him. I pressed the next drop of sunlight into his chest, closing my eyes when his shadows pulsed through me. Deep, dark, and dangerous. But steady and calm too. A comforting blackness and a night without stars.

He, too, loved me more than words could convey.

There was no way I would get through this without crying. It was somuchto feel, and more than I’d ever imagined it could be.

Wraith wrapped himself around me when we exchanged our magic, breathing me in like I was him. His shadows were sharp and vibrant. Ever seeking something he couldn’t quite find… until me.

Tilting my face to his, Wraith kissed me hard, consuming me with lips and teeth, making sure it hurt as much as it aroused me.

“Naughty,” I whispered.

“You like it.”
