Page 19 of Skyla

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“Until you met me? Or until yousawme?”

Another smile. “Is there a difference? We knew.”

I shook my head. “All of you keep saying that, and I’m not going to pretend I haven’t felt the dance we’ve been going through. But I don’t know what you mean by ‘you knew.’”

“You will.”

Gritting my teeth, I huffed out a breath. “So you’re not going to tell me?”

“Not alone, no.”

All the softness I felt disappeared. “Fine. Seems about right. For the record, I’m still pissed at all of you.” I grabbed the door handle, and magic jerked through me. “What the hell?”

“Wards. Only you, or us, can open it.”

“Any way to lock you out?”


“Fucking perfect,” I muttered under my breath. “Silver told me I have to talk to you all later, so I guess I’ll see you then, whether I want to or not.”

Wraith crossed his arms and nodded. “You will.”

Gripping the handle again, I pushed the door open.

“Skyla.” I looked back at him. “I know you’re pissed. But we’re glad you’re safe.”

I closed the door behind me and slid down the door, pulling Cream Puff out of my jacket. She was eager to explore her new surroundings, but I wasn’t. I sat by the door for a long time, wondering if I had the strength to cry.





Ileaned against the bar, nursing my drink while everyone else was having a good time. It didn’t sit well with me that Skyla was upset. On one hand, I understood why she was pissed. On the other, I knew this was for the best, and soon enough, she would too.

She would be even more pissed when she learned the truth about our part in what happened today, though the results weren’t our intention.

But it wasn’t our biggest problem.

Raising my hand to Grave, he came over. Now that we were here and back, we could deal with things. Before, the rush to get the cash and get back to the Crimson Petal made everything frantic.

“Where’s Kramer?”

“Church basement. Not going anywhere.”

I ran a hand through my hair. What the fuck were we going to do about him? For years he’d been a solid guy, and today notwithstanding, he’d done right by Skyla.

But he’d taken sides, and we couldn’t let that go. Neither could I ignore the fact that if Ididlet him go, the Blazing Legion would kill him anyway. They wouldn’t do it nearly as quickly or as cleanly as we would.

“Keep him there for now. I need to think about what to do with him.”

“Will do.”

Wraith entered the clubhouse and locked eyes with me.
