Page 66 of Skyla

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“If he wants to burn it that thoroughly? Magic. All at once. Make it look as much as possible like something the fae could do.”

“I agree.”

The three of us surrounded him. “Start getting word out to people in No Man’s Land. Houses can be rebuilt. People can’t be.”

“There might be people with no place to go,” Grave said. “What do we do about them?”

“I don’t know,” he said. “We can’t house all of No Man’s Land, and the second we take in anyone more than Maggie and Clementine, people will take it as a signal that we’re a haven. We can’t be. Not if they’re gunning for us too.” Looking at me, he sighed. “Reach out to shelters friendly to all species. There’s only so much we can do, but if we have places people can go, it’s up to them.”

I nodded. “Done.”

“And in the meantime, we figure out a plan,” Silver said. “No Man’s Land is what it is for a reason. We can’t protect it other than trying to give people a warning and get them out. But if and when the Legion come here? They die on sight. In fact, any Blazing Legion member within a mile of the compound is fair game.”

Bloodlust stirred in me. We hadn’t had a good fight in a while, and part of me wanted it. Let them come. We wouldn’t break.

Most of the members had left, going home, or helping with things getting cleaned up. But not all. Bookend still stood nearby, glaring. Silver stepped into his space. A full head taller, he towered over him. “You’ve been mouthy, Bookend. Have we got a problem?”

“No, Pres.”

“We better not.” He let the words hang. “You’re going to follow every order you get to the letter. If there’s a patrol, I want you first in line. If there’s a chance to help, I want you to do it with a bounce in your step. If you’re not doing everything short of presenting your asshole for me to fuck, and with a smile on your face, I will know. Got it?”

Bookend growled, but took a step back. “Got it.” The man stormed toward his bike, and Silver didn’t bother to watch him go, turning back to the apartment building and our mate.

There wasn’t any discussion needed. We were with him, and always would be.





Ilaid on someone’s chest, their fingers running through my hair while the other held my ass. Based on the size of the body I sprawled across, I guessed it was Wraith.

“Morning, Sky.”


Between us, he was hard. That would be a nice way to start the morning. I shifted, easing myself toward his cock, and he stopped me. “As much as I wish we could do that, we can’t.”

“Why not?”

Wraith sat up and moved me away from him, so I was in the center of fiveveryalert fae, all watching me. “Because we need to talk, and because we have some unfinished business, princess.”


“No?” He winked. “I kind of like it.”

My cheeks colored. “I’m not one, though.”

“But you are,” he said, voice low. “You are theâmmeluneof the King of Shadows and his princes. And the ruler of the Iron Shadows. You are a princess in every way possible, including simply being one to us.”


Silver sat leaning against the wall, naked in the middle of a bunch of pillows. His blond hair was tousled with sleep, falling into his eyes. One arm rested on his knee, somehow exuding all the power in the world even through the casual pose.

He seemed darker than last night. Something had changed. “You feel strange.”

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