Page 86 of Skyla

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My breath shook. “Everything is different. Everything. And it’s hard to wrap my head around. This helps.” I pressed my hand to his chest, meaning him, them, and the sex. “But it’s still somuch. I wish I could have more time with you guys to get used to things and all of this wasn’t under pressure from assholes who want to fuck with me.”

One of Comet’s arms was wrapped around my waist, and the other came up to cradle my head. He kissed my temple. “It is a lot. I know it’s easy for us to tell you not to worry. That’s because we sometimes forget how big life feels when you’re young.”

I snorted. “Are you going grandpa on me?”

A low growl had me smiling into his skin. “No, beautiful. And call me a grandpa again. I’ll take you over my knee in this bathtub.”

“Noted.” Still, a giggle found its way through.

“No, what I mean is that when you have a couple centuries under your belt, you see the same things over and over again. You know how to deal with them. Pissants like Fang can be annoying, but there’s a reason we’re not worried about him.”

Holding him tighter, I let the fear in, allowing it to flow through me. “Promise?”

“Promise, beautiful.”

I sighed, snuggling down onto him, and submerging myself deeper in the water. Comet held me close, and I let myself drift. Doze. Eventually he lifted me out of the water, and my body was too heavy and too sleepy to do anything about it.

He dried us off and tucked us beneath blankets on the big mattress. I barely felt the fabric cover us before I was asleep.





The gate opened, and the same van that Comet had driven when he moved my stuff over came through. I didn’t imagine it was full, but full enough. And Maggie sat in the front seat with her arms crossed, already glaring at me.

I winced when she jumped out and strode toward me. “I don’t love this.”

“I know. But I figured you’d like it more than being dead.”

Maggie sighed. “Fine, that is true. But still.”

I slipped my arm through hers and walked her toward the other apartment building. Silver had made sure there was an apartment close to the entrance free for her, and I knew that every member of the club who lived in the compound had been instructed that if any one of the women living here were touched without consent, their balls would be hanging from the gate.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered. “I know it sucks. Hopefully it won’t be long.”

“I still have to go to work.”

“No,” I said too quickly, betraying my panic. “You can’t.”

“Sky.” Mags turned me toward her and put her hands on my shoulders. “Even if I’m living here temporarily, I still have to pay rent. I still have bills. The dragoness will fire me if I just don’t show up for a week, and telling her ‘hey, I need to go into hiding because one of the two groups of supernatural motorcycle riders we’re in the middle of is going on the warpath,’ isn’t going to cut it.”

My skin tingled before I even heard his voice. “I’m sure if one of us told her, it wouldn’t be a problem.” Silver kissed my hair, the soft sound of his groan only between the two of us. “You smell so fucking good, baby girl.”

The words were so quiet Mags couldn’t hear them, but she saw the blush on my face. “Do I need to let you get a room?”

She regretted the words immediately. I saw it. Her life was being thrown into upheaval the same way mine had been. It wasn’t fun. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry,” I said. “I get it. But I’m about to make things a lot easier.”


Silver kissed my hair again and went to help with moving Maggie’s stuff inside. I’d help her put it away, but we weren’t lifting a finger to get anything into the apartment.

“I paid rent on the apartment for the next year.”
