Page 88 of Skyla

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Skyla’s laughter was intoxicating as I left her friend’s apartment. I needed to get the hell out of here and leave so I could get back. I had things to do outside the compound, and not all of them were fun.

I nodded to Silver as I exited the building, and he inclined his head to the side. “You’re going to see Carson?”

“Yeah. And do some recon.”

“Be careful.”

Smirking, I headed towards my bike. “Always am.”

He was right, though. We did need to be careful. The Legion hadn’t been seen since the night we sent them packing. Which normally wouldn’t bother us. But given the passion Fang had for taking us down, the disappearance was intentional.

So I would take a drive past their clubhouse—as close as I could get—and see what was happening.

But first…

The road disappeared underneath me as I sped toward the doctor’s office on our side of the city. Rocketman knew Carson from his med school days, and we trusted him with the drugs we didn’t traffic. In this case, a sedative.

We never met face to face. He didn’t need that pressure and neither did we. The drop point was a block away from the office. I left my bike another block away and wreathed myself in shadow to pick up the brown paper bag from inside the mailbox of an empty apartment. The small bottle of medication was what I asked for.


My heart pounded faster at the idea of using it. It wasn’t something I’d really ever done, and now that I might be able to?

Fuck, riding a bike with a hard-on wasn’t easy.

Get it together.

It was easy to make my dick calm down as I drove across No Man’s Land toward the Legion clubhouse. This wasn’t without risks, but we needed information. Wraith would normally be the one to do recon, but we decided more than one of us wouldn’t leave the compound at once for the time being. I was killing two birds with one stone.

Stashing my bike and disguising it, I crept over the line onto the Legion’s side.

It was eerily silent.

Though this wasn’t No Man’s Land, it might as well be. The general population of the city had entirely abandoned the area around the Blazing Legion. No one wanted to be near them. The humans sensed their bad energy, and the reckless disregard they held for both life and laws made it an easy choice.

We didn’t give a shit about the law either, but at least we weren’t running people away from us. If you didn’t wrong us? We didn’t touch you.

Pain rippled over my skin, and I hissed, stepping back into the shadows of a building, concealing myself. What the hell?

The ground in front of me…

I focused, unleashing my magic. Sigils layered the ground. Anti-fae sigils and spells that gleamed gold once I looked at them with my power. Those were new.

Sending a burst of power to the ground, the sigils didn’t move. Okay, so we couldn’t just brush them away. Could we step over them?

No part of me touched the line of symbols, and there wasn’t any pain. Good. That wasn’t too bad, if we were careful. Ideally, we wouldn’t have to make any kind of assault, but we needed to know.

Lines of spells intended to cause pain and slow fae down radiated out from the direction of their clubhouse. But they were more like markers than anything serious. Like a bullseye to tell them where we were.

