Page 9 of Skyla

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But if the Shadows intervened, they were actually breaking the treaty. And that had consequences. No one really knew what they were, because it was kept so deeply secret, but there would be some. “I can’t let you do that,” I said. “You’ll be breaking the treaty.”

“I didn’t ask for your permission.”

I pressed myself further into the wall, glancing toward the front again. “I’m a citizen of No Man’s Land,” I said. “I can’t choose between—”

“Cut the shit, Skyla.” Silver’s voice was dark, closer to a growl than anything else. “You’re telling me you’re still going to play Switzerland while they’re ready to take you and ruin you? I know you’ve already thought it through, so I’m not telling you anything new. Don’t kid yourself into thinking they’ll just let you go if Kramer miraculously comes up with the money. They’ll drag you back to that hole they call a clubhouse, put you on your knees, and not let you up until every one of their slimy dicks has had you.

“Andthenthey’ll bind you with spells and force you to do things you don’t want to imagine. So don’t tell me you can’t take sides. You and I both know you chose sides a long fucking time ago.” His gaze fell down my body, and I was very,veryaware of how little I was wearing. “No matter how much iron you smear on your skin.”

I shouldn’t torment him, but I was scared, and this was the game we always played. Just a fraction of normalcy. I needed it. Craved it. “You’re saying you wouldn’t put me on my knees if you had the chance?”

His eyes went flinty as he stepped into my space, as close as he could be without touching me. His heat warmed my body, breath tingling against my ear. That voice I dreamed about was gentler and more certain than I’d ever heard it. “Oh, I will put you on your knees, baby girl. But we both know that when I do, you’ll be begging to be there.”

Silver didn’t pull away. He held himself in that position, so close yet so far, while I struggled to take a full breath. In the club, another song turned on. Thank you, Clementine. “He wants me to dance,” I said. “It’s probably been a half-hour since Kramer left. Ninety minutes until the deadline. If he comes back at all.”

“How much money?”

“I don’t know,” I breathed. “He didn’t say.”

His mouth firmed into a line. “All right. Go dance for them. Distract them. I’ll take care of it.”

My heart froze. “Is this a deal?” I asked.

One eyebrow rose. “Did I ask you for anything?”


“Then it’s not a deal.”

I rubbed my lips together, unable to move anything else without touching him.Fuck,I wanted to touch him, but I didn’t want him in danger. If what he said was true, touching him would make him lose control. I didn’t want him at risk. At the same time, this could be my salvation. “But do you expect something?”

“What’s going on, Skyla?”

There was no way Maggie could have known what Kramer did, revealing who I was. Then, slowly, he moved back far enough to see my face, gaze shifting as he processed everything he knew.

“When you said you were collateral, I thought you meant everyone here. But you didn’t?”

My mouth was dry. “No.”

“Why are you the collateral, Sky?”

I closed my eyes. There was no going back after this. He would know. I trusted Silver, but given today, it didn’t mean shit. I didn’t have a choice. “I’m half-fae.”

Silver’s eyes went razor sharp. “What the fuck did you just say?”

“Kramer knew. He knew with my parents. And he just… gave me to them. Gave me up like it was nothing.”

“When I said—goddamnit, Sky.” He tried to keep his voice low. “When I said they’d take you back to their clubhouse, I didn’t even know that. They’re not going to let you go if they take you. Ever. You understand that?”

“Yes.” I blinked back tears, unable to stop them, and ashamed the terror was getting to me enough for them to appear.

“You’re going to be okay,” Silver said quietly. “Promise.”


“Like I said, I’ll take care of it.We’lltake care of it.”

