Page 94 of Skyla

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Narrowing my eyes, I reached for my glass, which the magic of the table had switched out with water. Apparently, it thought I’d had enough, given what we were trying to do. “This seems like changing the subject.”

“It’s related.”

“I mean, I’m obviously curious why. But if it involves you fucking another woman, I don’t want to hear about it.”

He tilted his head. “I’ve been alive for a long time, Sky. I’m not innocent.”

“And I don’t expect you to be. But spare me the details.”

A soft chuckle. “Fair enough. How I discovered it doesn’t have to do with another woman. But I won’t lie to you and say I’ve never done this with anyone else. Still, it hasn’t been often. There aren’t many women—of any species—who want to be fucked while they’re unconscious.”


With a single finger, he pushed the bottle closer to me. “I happen to enjoy poison as my weapon of choice.”

My eyebrows rose. “Really?”

“Really. I know I don’t look it, and that’s part of the appeal. I’d rather someone think I’m coming at them straight on and not see it coming from the side. And I’m good with them. I know them in and out. I can do certain things with poisons and without them, that are beneficial. A long time ago, Silver asked me to create something which would kill slowly, but paralyze the victim. So they would be awake and fully conscious, unable to move or help themselves. Then they could be tortured, or simply left to fade away.”

He shifted in his chair. “The idea got in my head that it might be fun to play with that, minus the poison part, during sex. Awake and unable to move?” He shifted again, and I glanced at his leathers.

“Turned on?”


I held myself back from crawling into his lap or under the table to help. There would be plenty of that later, and I wouldn’t even know. “Will I be awake for this?” I asked.

“Not this time. But it interests you?”

The thought of being paralyzed and not being able to move, but still be conscious to feel everything he did to me? It was an entirely different kind of bondage. Lust surged through me, stealing what little breath I had. “Yes.”

“Good to know.”

“But to answer your question, my voice sounds like this because I needed to kill someone. And the only way to do it was to drink the same thing I gave them. They choked on their own blood and drowned while I took the antidote. It still acted fast enough to damage me. But I have no regrets.”

I looked at him for a long time, finding no hint of remorse or embarrassment. “Who? Why?”

“That’s a story for a different time.”

Now I felt the air shift. It was clearly personal, and I could respect that.

“Is that,” I pointed to the bottle, “for me?”

“It is. How much do you want to know?”

The good kind of nerves tumbled in my stomach. “Everything.”

“When we’re finished here, you’ll go to your apartment and get ready for bed. And when you are ready, you drink that. It will knock you out. There’s no chance of you waking up for about twelve hours. After that? You’re mine.” Grave glanced down to the other end of the table. “I’ll make sure Puff is in the other room and settled.”


“I’m going to fuck you, Skyla. Hard. Your pussy and your mouth. I’m going to taste every inch of your body and cover you with cum. I get to take out three years of lust on you, and I’m going to embrace the opportunity. Your ass is reserved this time, but next time? All bets are off.”

That was the second time that I’d been told that. The only mates who hadn’t had their turn yet were Wraith and Silver. So one of them had plans.

“And this will be your choice,” he said. “Do you want to wake up covered in everything I’ve done to you? Or do you want to wake up clean and cozy like nothing happened at all?”

Fuck me.
