Page 13 of Sneaky Santa

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Afterwards, he wrapped me in a blanket and we cuddled in front of the fire.

“This was perfect,” I said.

He stroked my hair back from my face. “You are perfect, Lily. I didn’t know how much I needed someone like you until I went to that damned party.”

I smiled. “I never thought I’d feel like this.”

“I don’t need anything else,” he said softly. “I don’t need the business, or the money, or anything. “You’re all I need in the world.”

I squeezed him.

“I love you, Lily,” he said.

“I love you, too,” I answered, and they were the truest words I’d ever spoken. We’d known each other for a weekend. It wasn’t supposed to happen so fast, but I couldn’t imagine my life without Noah in it.

And then I knew just what needed to happen.



Oneyearlater.. .

I couldn’t believe I’d donned the Santa suit again this year, but I’d do anything to make my family happy. I carried a big bag of presents with me, though, as I came up to the Sparks’ place. Brant greeted me at the door and said some little dig about how fat I was getting now that I was married and settled. I laughed at him.

I’d never imagined there’d be a day when I’d be trading jests with an old enemy.

“Ho ho ho!” I called as I walked into the living room and the children ran for me, each eager to get a gift.

“I know Santa,” Lute said smugly, crossing her arms over her chest.

I tousled her hair, and said, “Yes, you do.”

“Give Santa a minute,” Charlie said, wading through the crowd. “Nice to see you.”

I gave her an appreciative nod and crossed the room to Lily. She was tucked in next to the Christmas tree. She couldn’t be an elf this year because she held our own little Christmas miracle in her arms.

We’d jokingly called him Claus after the stolen song, but the nickname had stuck. He was just three months old and still looking around at the world with wide eyes. I kissed them both before I headed for Santa’s appointed chair.

“Who’s first?” I asked.

“Me!” Justine called laughingly.

I rolled my eyes at her in a very un-Santa-like way. Lily’s idea to give the song to Justine had been a good one. The song had been the hit of last season and had skyrocketed Justine’s mid-list band to instant stardom, not to mention saving my ass with the board. It’d been the best of all worlds, because I’d gotten to keep the girl and my job.

My niece Lute was the first one to come up. She marched up with a determined look in her eye, and I had to admit, even I quaked a bit. She definitely had the best combination of Sparks and Drake fire in her.

“And what do you want for Christmas?” I asked.

She crossed her arms over her chest. “I want a little brother as cute as Claus.”

I met my brother’s eyes across the room. “That might be something to talk to your daddy about,” I said, trying not to laugh. “But Claus won’t mind if you play big sister to him whenever you want. Does that work?”

She thought about it for a minute, then she nodded. “Yes.”

“Good,” I said. “I think Claus will like that.”

I looked around at all the family gathered here, and my heart swelled. I’d been so focused on competition and winning, I’d missed out on this simple joy of togetherness. Lily had brought out a softer side of me that I hadn’t even known was there, and I was so grateful.

I caught her gaze and mouthed, “I love you.”

“I love you, too,” she answered, and I knew that nothing could be more right in the world.
