Page 19 of Bait

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Would they?

"I guess I belong to both of you then," I said softly.

Ice, who was swishing the knife around in the air, froze and smiled. "I like the sound of that. Our girl. Oursmartgirl," he added.

He glanced at Mannix. "I bet your father can think of a hundred ways to put a computer science major to good use."

Mannix grunted. "Probably, but let's not get ahead of ourselves."

I wanted to ask him why, but he gripped my chin, turned my face toward him and kissed me.

Ice, with the knife still in his hand, skipped around the island, turned my face the other way and kissed me too, all teeth, tongue and stubble.

In the corner of my eye, I saw the knife near my shoulder, a hair or two from my ear.

Like the knife was that night in the forest. Right before it was pulled across the man’s throat. The gush of blood… The gurgle…

I gasped involuntarily.

"Figures you'd be a shit kisser," Mannix told him.

"No it's just—" I leaned away from the knife. "It's justthat."

Instead of taking it away, Ice trailed the tip of the knife down my cheek, slow and careful. It tickled slightly. My heart raced as the light glanced off it. One slip of his hand and he’d slice my cheek open.

"I would never hurt you," he said softly. "This is just a tool. Sometimes used for bad, but mostly just to cut onions." He took the blade away and made a series of tiny dicing gestures in the air. "Occasionally steak." His dicing became a cut of what looked like very well cooked beef.

"Knives don't hurt people, people hurt people?" I didn't take my eyes off the blade. I put a hand to my cheek, but I knew he hadn't broken the skin.

"Exactly. And sometimes people hurt themselves," Mannix said. "But if anyone tries to touch you, they will end up resembling an onion. I've seen the way Ice works, he could do it too."

I believed him.

"I wanted to be a doctor." Ice held the blade up in front of his face as though fascinated by the stainless steel. "A surgeon. But I decided autopsies would be more interesting than surgery."

"Fewer malpractice suits from dead people," Mannix said dryly.

Ice grinned, his smile eerily cut in two by the blade. "Yep."

"What did you study?" I asked Mannix. Partly because I wanted to know and partly to change the subject and stop looking at the knife.

He shrugged one shoulder. "Business. Someone has to step into Dad's shoes."

I had a feeling there was more to it than that, but he didn't seem to want to elaborate. I didn’t ask. If there was more, he’d tell me when he was ready.

"What did Ares study?" Apart from the inside of his own asshole.

"Believe it or not, psychology," Ice said. "I'll leave it to you to ask him why."

Considering he wouldn't give me the time of day, I doubted he’d give me an answer to anything that might vaguely resemble a personal question.

It was difficult to see how I could avoid making waves between the three guys, but if they wanted to try, then I would. As long as knives were kept for cutting food and not people. Especially me. I believed them when they said they wouldn't hurt me. I also believed them when they said they’d hurt anyone who touched me when they shouldn't. At some point, maybe I could confide in them about what I saw that night. If anyone could keep me safe from three crazy masked murderers, then these guys could.


"Did someone mention skinny-dipping later tonight?" Ice said innocently.

No one had, but the idea sent a thrill of excitement through me. Naked in a pool with two, maybe three hot guys. Dusk Bay might not be so bad after all.
