Page 20 of Bait

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Chapter Nine


"You're out of your fucking mind," Ares snarled. His blue eyes were dark and narrowed, razor-sharp glare directed straight at me. "You two are going to share a woman, and think I should too?"

I shrugged and sipped my beer. "Kennedy isn't just any woman."

"No, she's your step sister."

"Not yet she's not." I hooked my ankle around another pool chair and dragged it over so I could put my feet on it. "Who cares anyway? She's smoking hot, smart and her pussy tastes better than this beer." I held up the bottle for a moment before taking another long sip.

Ares groaned. "You know how her pussy tastes?" He shook his head. "I should have known you'd fucked her already. How long did it take you? An hour?"

"I didn't say I fucked her," I said. "We didn't get to that. Not yet. But we will." Soon. I didn’t want to rush her into anything she wasn’t ready for, but I wouldn’t wait too long. My cock ached thinking about her.

"What, is she a virgin or something?" Ares laughed. He stopped when he saw my expression. "Really?" Now he looked interested. "I didn't know there were any of those left in Australia. In Victoria, anyway."

"That explains the vibe I got from her," Ice said thoughtfully. "Naïve, innocent and sweet. Three of my favourite things."

"You could be describing me," I joked. They both laughed. I was the exact opposite of innocent and naïve. We all were.

"So, you need help corrupting this girl?" Ares asked. "Moving to Dusk Bay would do that sooner or later, without my help."

"I don't want her corrupted," I said firmly. I sighed into my beer bottle. "Sooner or later she has to know who we are, what we are and what we do."

"The Devils of Dusk Bay," Ice said softly. "Wasn't that what your father wanted us to be?"

"Haven't we lived up to it yet?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

"I think we have a way to go." Ice sipped his beer. "Our reputation is growing, but there's always room for more."

"You won't be happy until people are pissing themselves at the idea of us," Ares told him.

"Isn't that what you want too?" Ice asked. "I'm just happy if I get to do a little carving once in a while."

"Once in a while being at least once a day," I told him. Ares and I liked to take care of business, whatever that meant at the time. Ice, he seemed to be in it for the bloodshed. I once saw him torture a man for three days, for the fun and fascination of it. He claimed he wanted to see how long the man would last with no tongue and in constant agony. He got off on it.

I've known him all my life, long enough that I got him, for the most part. He was harmless unless you were the wrong person. I basically made my life's work not to be the wrong person.

"And you think someone sweet, innocent and naïve isn’t going to freak the fuck out when she finds out who we are?" Ares asked.

"She might be sweet, but she's not stupid," I said. "She has to know the kind of people my father and her mother are, even if it's deep down. Sooner or later, she'll face the truth and we'll help her through it. She belongs to us andwithus. She'll be fine." She had to be, because if she wasn't, then she’d be one of the wrong people. I couldn't guess how long Ice would keep her alive to listen to her pretty screams. I suspected it would be days at least.

"You seem very sure of that," Ares said. "What happens if we tell her and she turns on us? Do you have the balls to do what needs to be done?"

"I have balls of iron," I said coldly. They were constantly hard around my Princess. Aching to release into her gorgeous body. I wished she was here with us right now for me to do just that. Last time I saw her, she was in her bedroom, studying. After a long day of teaching gymnastics to a room full of brats, I decided to leave her to it. As long as I knew exactly where she was, I could give her a bit of space.

"Is that why you're reluctant to get involved with her?" I asked Ares. "Are you worried she'll make you soft?" I was goading him on purpose. Ares wouldn't turn soft for a puppy, much less a woman. But this arrangement only worked if everyone agreed.

"Fuck off," Ares snarled. "Do you want me involved with your girlfriend so you can see my cock once in a while?"

"I've seen your cock plenty of times," I said. "It's nothing special. Not as big and thick as mine."

He flipped me off. "That's bullshit and you know it."

I shrugged. "Keep telling yourself that. The point is, we hang out together all the time. If Kennedy is going out with all of us and fucking all of us, then we don't have to worry about any bros before hos shit." The three of us were a tight unit. The last thing we needed was three other people breaking that up.

"I’ll think about it," Ares said. "I'm not saying I wouldn't rail her in a heartbeat, but I don't know if I want to share with you fuckers. I've never been big on taking turns. I might just hunt down my own pussy. You dickheads aren't going to let her get in the way, are you? Posse before pussy, like we agreed."
