Page 51 of Bait

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Something passed between them I couldn't identify. I noticed Leo watching them and had the strangest feeling he knew exactly what they were referring to. Of course, he'd known them most of their lives, so he probably had a good idea of what kind of things they got up to.

Would he tell me any of it if I asked? Then again, maybe I should wait for the guys to do that. I bet they could talk for hours about the shit they did as kids. Hell, they probably had stories they could tell about shit they did last week.

I stabbed my fork into a piece of chicken, and said, "When are you thinking of moving the wedding to?" I popped the chicken into my mouth.

"This weekend," Leo said.

I almost choked on my mouthful.

Mannix patted my back while Ares handed me a cup of water.

When I finally managed to stop coughing, I said, "That soon?" It was Monday—no wait, it was Tuesday. Tuesday night, to be specific. That only left three days to plan anything.

You know what they say, what could go wrong? At least a metric fuck ton.

"It doesn't have to be anything fancy," Mum said.

Everyone at the table snorted a laugh.

Leo chuckled. "I'm sorry, Helen, honey, but we all know we prefer fancy. I'm sure we can pull ‘fancy’ together in three days. Kennedy and the guys will help, won't you?"

I'd rather stick the fork in my eyeball right now, but I said, "Yeah, we will. The dresses are ready anyway." Dark green, thank fuck. Mum wanted pink, but it was Leo who suggested green would look better on everyone, including him in his waistcoat.

Common sense prevailed and Mum agreed. However, while she had made that concession, she wanted my dress and hers covered in crystals and sequins. And of course, a unique design so I could never wear it anywhere else again. Heaven forbid Mum choose something practical.

"Can we wear shorts?" Ice asked.

All eyes turned to him.

He raised his hands in surrender. "I was just asking, that's all. Shorts can be fancy."

Mum closed her eyes, and shook her head, but Leo looked amused.

"I suggested to Helen we all wear shorts or swimwear and have the ceremony beside the pool, but she didn't like the idea for some reason." He gave her a lopsided smile. The fact he genuinely loved her was clear and sweet.

I was happy for them. I wanted them both to be happy. Not just because it made life easier for everyone, but because I loved her. She was crazy at times, but she was a good person.

Mum rolled her eyes. "Like you said, we like fancy. There's nothing fancy about getting married in swimwear."

"That depends on the swimwear," Mannix said.

"And the wearer," Ice added. "I look fancy naked, and in swimwear. I'm very versatile as well as flexible."

"This is dangerously close to too much information territory," Leo said. "Maybe we can figure out how to get a cake done in time."

Ice raised his hand above his head.

"Can you bake?" I asked.

He lowered his hand and grinned. "No, but I can pile TimTams onto a plate. If you like, I can even put strawberry jam in between them." He mimed doing that with a knife.

"I'm not saying that's not fancy," Mannix said slowly.

"You're saying it's fucking nuts," Ares said. "Don't put Ice in charge of the food preparation."

"Hey, I'm really good at carving roast meat." Ice grimaced at him playfully. "But if I can't do that, I'll have to fall back on my usual role." He held both his arms up above his head and posed like a statue. "I'll be the ice sculpture."

"Ba-dum-tish," Mannix said dryly.
