Page 52 of Bait

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"Also don't let Ice think he's a work of art," Ares said. "If anyone around here is a masterpiece, it's me." He actually flexed. For real. He held up his ridiculously muscular arms and flexed. I was surprised he didn't kiss them.

Since he had muscles for days, I stared. It wasn't fair that he was so gorgeous, but such a jerk.

Ice handed me a napkin.

I turned to frown at him. "What's that for?"

"To wipe up your drool. If you stare at Ares any longer, it's going to start dribbling down your chin."

I flicked the napkin at him. "I wasn't staring."

"Yes, you were." Ares looked smug.

"Fine, I was," I said. "I was trying to understand why you think you'd be a masterpiece."

He scoffed. "You know why. You have eyes. And I have biceps as thick as my thighs."

I rolled mine. "If you say so." I turned my attention back to Mum and Leo. "I hope you're having this wedding outside, because inside isn't big enough for Ares' ego."

He flipped me off. He looked as though he wanted to say something about one of his body parts being too big to fit inside, but he glanced at Mum and went back to eating.

Good to know he had a filter after all. Such as it was. No doubt we'd revisit this conversation later.

"The boys and I can organise our suits," Leo said. "Assuming Mannix still wants to be my best man?"

Now Mannix looked smug. "I do. It’s accurate."

Ares barked a laugh, but neither Ice nor I disagreed. He was one of the two best men I knew.

"Can we call you the best Man-nix?" Ice teased.

"That's also accurate," Mannix said evenly. "So go ahead."

Ares turned to Ice and asked, "Can we call you Icehole?"

"Only if we can call you Areshead," Ice retorted. "You know, like airhead."

"We get it, Isaac," Mum said. "You boys are so funny. No wonder Kennedy likes spending time with you. You're all so sweet."

It was her turn to get stared at. There were many, many adjectives I could think of to describe the guys, but sweet?

Okay, Mannix was sweet to buy me a car and he and Ice were sweet to buy me a gym. Mannix was sweet to set up that picnic for us. Still, it didn't seem like quite the right word.

"We're funny all right," Ice said.

"Funny looking," Ares told him.

"Speak for yourself." Ice picked up his bottle of beer and took a sip.

"I'd rather speak for you." Ares tore a piece of bread off his roll and ate it. "It's much more fun."

"Don't speak with your mouth open." Ice shook a finger at him.

I frowned. "Don't you mean that he shouldn't speak with his mouthfull?"

Ice grinned slowly. "Nope, I meant what I said. Ares shouldn't speak with his mouth open. It's much quieter around here like that."

"The only thing Ares has to say to you, I can say with one finger." Ares stuck up his middle finger at Ice.
