Page 65 of Prey

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His chin lifted a fraction in warning. He knew exactly what I was thinking and we both knew what would happen if I ignored that warning.

My eyes still on his, I pressed the button to reactivate the virus and double its speed.

Chapter Twenty-Five


The room was pitch black. Completely devoid of light and sound.

The ground was hard and the walls were dry. That was the only thing I could tell about the space. That and if I walked five steps from any corner, I'd graze my knuckles on the opposite corner. There was no water. No food. No bedding.

Nothing. After I reactivated the virus, I thought he'd kill me immediately.

Instead, he'd nodded to his minion, who took me at gunpoint down a set of stairs at the back of the house. He'd unbolted the door and waved me inside.

I slumped down to the floor as tears trickled down my cheek.

I waited for my eyes to adjust to the darkness, but they never did. I listened for a sound, any sound, but it didn't come. The silence made my ears ring.

How long would it take before that drove me completely crazy?

That was exactly the point of a room like this. I remembered seeing one when Mum took me to Port Arthur in Tasmania. They sadistically used sensory deprivation rooms to punish inmates and drive them insane. Figures Bell would have one. It might be an understatement to suggest I was regretting my life choices right now. If I hadn't reactivated the virus, he might have killed me by now or at least put me in a room with some light.

Did Ice's workroom have a place like this? If it didn't now, it would if we got out of here and I told him about it. Off the top of my head, I could think of four people I'd put in it.

I sighed and sat back against the wall. Maybe I deserved to be in here, alone in the dark. I learnt a lot about myself since moving to Dusk Bay, and most of it wasn't very nice. I had a darker, more twisted soul than I ever would have suspected. A sadistic side that held onto a grudge with an iron grip.

Formerly innocent, naïve Kennedy Knight was not a nice person.

And I was going to die here.

In the dark.

Without a sound.


* * *
