Page 11 of Meet the Teacher

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My head throbs. I debate telling her about the WOLO list but decide against it for now. “I know. I was trying to loosen up, I guess.”

“Well thank goodness you’re alright. The doc says you’ve fractured your foot. They’re also wanting to monitor you for a possible concussion since you threw up so much . . . but it could be from all the alcohol, too.” Her judgment punctures me like a wound.

“Yeah, I went a little too hard tonight,” I admit.

She blows out a breath. “Well, you just got back home. And you know I worry. So, let’s take it easy on your dear old mom, will ya?”

“I’m sorry, Mom. Trust me, it won’t happen again.” I search around the room.

“Oh, before I forget, I let Natalie and Mason know you were okay. They were both blowing up your phone asking how you were doing, so I called Natalie and gave her an update,” she says.

“I bet they both show up today. Can you send a text telling them I promise I’m fine and they don’t need to bother coming?” I ask.

“I told Natalie that you were resting. It’s very early in the morning. She said she and Mason will try to come by a little later in the day.”

I nod, appreciating that response. I’m not sure why I’m fighting having visitors, especially my friends. I was super sick with pneumonia a few years ago while living in Greenwich. Ended up in the hospital there. And other than Liam (and eventually Summer and Mom and Dad), none of my so-called friends showed up for me. Maybe I’m afraid the only person who would show up for me is now gone forever.

I know I shouldn’t care, but I feel weird that Zayn didn’t stick around. Although, why on earth was I expecting him to?

“Did Zayn . . .? Never mind.” My eyes close, and I wave my hand ever so slightly from the bed since my body still aching.

Mom grabs my hand in comfort. I open my eyes to see a smile on her face. “Zayn is doing okay. Thank God he was sober enough to bring you here. That was very sweet of him to be there for you.”

I scoff. “Mhmm. Well, and I’m sure you’ve already heard that his daughter will be in my class this year, huh?”

“I did. You know how fast news travels around here. In his defense, the chance of that happening was high—with Lake View Elementary being the only elementary school around here.”

A sigh escapes me. “I know, Mom,” I say feeling like no one understands why I’m so upset that I now have to regularly see the guy who broke my heart.

“Listen honey, I know you think that what he did back in high school is unforgivable, but maybe now that you’re back here, he’ll start to grow on you again. Especially now, with the divorce and everything. You might get lonely is all.”

Even with my mouth agape, I struggle to find a response to that. “Really, Mom?”

“Oh, don’t start acting like an upset teenager. You know what I meant. I just want you to find love and be happy, my sweet girl.” My mom turns and takes a seat in the one chair in the room.

I guess I really am sounding like a teenager. I don’t know why I let him crawl under my skin so much. It feels like a lifetime ago after all.“No need to worry about that. I am happy, and I don’t need to be in love with some guy in order for that to happen. Honestly, I know I always wanted what you and Dad had, but now that the shit hit the fan with Liam, I’m thinking I’ll be better off alone,” I admit out loud for the first time.

My mom nods her head. “You’re right, I’ll leave it alone. I know you’re still grieving the divorce, and I promise to let you have your alone time.” She takes a deep breath. “Before I forget, I know you had asked about Zayn, and I wanted to tell you, he’s—” My mom is interrupted from the opening of the door. We both watch in awe as two nurses wheel Zayn in on a travel gurney. He looks over at me and the side of his mouth turns up in an attempted smile.Unbelievable!

The nurses set Zayn up in the bed next to mine, with only a curtain dividing us. Dr. Scout makes his way over to me. “What the hell is he doing in here?” I ask loud enough so the whole room hears me. I direct my attention towards my mom. “And you! Mom, you told me he left.”

“No, I didn’t. I was letting you know that he was alright. I didn’t have the chance to tell you he was still here, but as a patient. He apparently fainted while you were getting your IV set up.”

You’ve got to be kidding me.

Zayn glances over at me as a nurse continues to get him set up. He mouths an apology.

One of the nurses chimes in, “Mr. Mitchell requested that he just be placed in this room so he could make sure you were alright. And I definitely owe him one since he helped save my niece’s cat from a tree last week.”Pfft, big deal.

Another nurse chimes in, “I don't know what we'd do without Mr. Mitchell around here.” The other nurses swoon and look over at Zayn with looks of gratitude and pining. I can’t help but roll my eyes.

“Oh, how diplomatic,” I say, allowing the sarcasm to come out unfiltered.

* * *

I can’t believemy high school ex-boyfriend is sharing a hospital room with me right now. The nurse left the dividing curtain open while I was asleep. But now I’ve been awake for what feels like eternity, and we haven’t spoken a word to each other. I genuinely don’t know whether I want to yell, scream, or cry at Zayn—or just continuing with this deafening silence. Before I can decide, Zayn breaks it by saying, “Aw come on, Autumn.You really aren’t going to say a word to me the whole night? We’re trapped in here together so we may as well make the best of it.”

I scoff. “You know, I knew I’d run into you, but I’ve been back in town for less than a week, and you keep seeming to end up where I am.”
