Page 15 of Meet the Teacher

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“Glad I already started working on it. She wants me to complete our WOLO list,” I explain. “Which means . . .”

I open the second letter that was in the envelope, already knowing what it is—-the WOLO list we created so many years ago.

“Wait, I’m sorry—the wo-what list?” he asks.

I let out a giggle. I forgot how silly it was. “The WOLO list,” I clarify. “Do you remember when we graduated high school and there was that famous ‘YOLO’ song by Drake?”

He shakes his head. “Mhmm, that obnoxious one we heard for weeks on end, and everyone had those tee shirts . . . yeah, how could I forget?”

“Well, Summer had the idea that instead of ‘You Only Live Once’ we should make a bucket list, but since we were going to do it together, we’d call it ‘WOLO’ for ‘We Only Live Once,’” I explain.

Zayn flashes me a smile, and it calms me even more. “Alright, I get it. So, let’s see this list then.”

I open the crumbled-up folded piece of now-yellowed notebook paper. Despite the couple of Diet Coke stains, it remains legible. Instantly, I’m brought back to that day where, even though my world had been turned upside down, Summer managed to cheer me up, as she always did.

Summer & Autumn’s WOLO List:

1. Land your dream job:

Summer: travel blogger and photographer

Autumn: become a teacher

2. Eat sushi

3. Dance on a bar

4. Eat food from a food truck (for Autumn)

5. Take a Four Horsemen shot

6. Drive a jet ski

7. Get a tattoo

8. Be buried in the sand

9. Break a bone

10. Get high

11. Toilet paper Nick Hartzell’s house

12. Go parasailing

13. Experience 100 mph in a car

14. Get a unique pet

15. Go on a blind date

16. Dance in a fountain

17. Ride a mechanical bull

18. Skinny-dip

19. Have sex on the beach
