Page 32 of Meet the Teacher

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“Yes, for Summer!” I agree. We make our way to the line for it when I suddenly spot Summer’s old nasty retail manager, Mr. Parson. “Ummm speaking of Summer, do you guys remember that asshole manager she worked for who told her she’d never amount to anything more than a cashier?”

Mason and Natalie both nod their heads.

“Yeah, why?” Natalie asks.

“He’s right over there,” I say pointing him out. “And you know what is on the WOLO list? Tossing a pie in that guy’s face for all the BS he put Summer through.”

Mason and Natalie exchange a quick glance.

“You don’t have to ask us twice. Let’s go find some pie!” Mason exclaims.

We begin a mission to find some pie, and luckily, at the fair, there is a literal pie-throwing booth.Um, is this real? Can’t get any more convenient than this.

“Guys, look!” I shout. I quickly look around to see if anyone is paying attention before snatching a pie off the table. Mason and Natalie follow close behind me.

I let the adrenaline course through my veins as I walk at a fast pace over to where Mr. Parson is standing. When I’ve reached him, I stand behind him and say, “Excuse me—Mr. Parson, is that you?”

“Yes,” he says turning around. Before he can make out who I am, the pie meets his face. The cream splatters on his neck and clothing, and we all watch, mouths agape, as the tin pan slowly slides its way down his face and falls to the ground.

“Sorry,” I say instinctively. I blow out a deep breath and start to turn around.

I change my mind and spew, “Wait, no. I’mnotsorry. That’s for treating Summer and who knows how many other employees you’ve had, like garbage. That’s for being the clown of a person you are.” I kick the pie pan on the ground to add more of a dramatic touch before walking away, heading back over to Natalie and Mason.

Mason is clapping and doing a little happy dance and Natalie has her hand in the air, signaling a high five. “Girl, you are a queen!” she shouts.

I clap my hand to hers and smile. Breath flows through my nostrils as the adrenaline swims through my veins.

Mason puts his hand out for one too before saying, “I don’t know what you’ve done with my best friend, but I’m not upset about this glow up, girl. You were such a badass. Summer would be so proud.”

“Thanks, that means a lot,” I admit feeling proud of myself, too. “Alright bitches, I’m feeling bold.”

“Me too,” Natalie says. “What do ya wanna do now?”

“Ferris wheel, here we come!” I shout.

* * *

After quite an exhilarating weekend,I struggle to make it through the day at work. Somehow, I manage, but it doesn’t make much of a difference since I have to stay until seven p.m. for Parent Teacher Conferences. Riley asked if she could stay in my room until conferences began, so I sent her to do a few tasks and errands for me in the library and front office. I begin tidying up and arranging the room for the parents.

Mason pops in the room to check on me. “Hey boo, how you feeling about tonight’s conferences?” He looks around the room to make sure we’re alone since he would’ve seen Riley leave the room not too long ago.

I let out a sigh of relief. “I think I’m ready for it. Just a bit nervous about you-know-who’s conference,” I admit.

Mason makes an awkward face and lets out a small chuckle. “Oh honey, I do not envy you. I think it’ll be fine though. I thought things were good between you and Zayn though now, right?”

“Right, it’s definitely been a nice surprise for me. But he really isn’t the one I’m worried about,” I say. “In fact, he has to work tonight so he isn’t even coming. It’s just going to be Sam.”

“Oh?” He arches an eyebrow before continuing, “Honestly, you’ll be fine with her. I know her personality can be a bit crass and direct, but she adores you still. I wouldn’t let her worry you.”

“Thanks. Yeah, I think I just have to readjust to her personality. I don’t want to have to keep avoiding her either,” I say.

“You got this, boo! You’re going to do great tonight. Come by my room or shoot me a text if you need anything . . . or need saving.” Mason gives me a final wink and a wave.

“Thanks, Mace. See ya,” I say.

I start stacking report cards and information sheets in order of those attending tonight when the door opens, and Sam enters the room. “Hey lady!”

“Oh, hey Sam,” I say. I’m not sure why she’s here so early.
