Page 31 of Meet the Teacher

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“Yup.” I exhale. “I guess it all worked out for everyone.”

“Guess so.” he says. Zayn sits up on the couch. The blanket he was wrapped in falls, revealing his bare chest. “For what it’s worth, I had a great time last night.”

His perfectly defined pecs serve as a distraction. It’s hard for me to take my eyes off his chest.What am I, a dude now?Those pecs are seriously perfect, and his shoulders look even more muscular without a shirt on. I take in a deep breath. “Aside from vomiting in front of a bunch of strangers, I had a pretty good time, too.” I head over to the counter to look at the WOLO list, grateful for the distraction so I can stop gawking at him.

We both look up from the list and at each other. He smiles wide showing his perfect teeth. I start to melt a little bit, feeling my face flush. My eyes fall to his chest and abs. He is even more fit than he was when we were back in high school. It’s obvious he works out, which I want to tease him and roll my eyes at him for, but I stop myself. It dawns on me I’m still only wearing a towel. His lips part as if he’s about to say something, but he holds back. I interrupt the moment. “I should probably get dressed.”

“Uh, yeah,” he says, heading over to the chair with his shirt. He tosses it on. “You get dressed. I’ll make us a pot of coffee.”

I nod and begin to turn around when suddenly my towel slips, revealing most of my boobs along with exposure of at least one nipple. A tiny scream evades me as I quickly pull it back up. My face turns beet red as I look to Zayn for his reaction. I catch him staring at me, mouth agape. “Please tell me you didn’t see anything,” I plea with embarrassment.

He clears his throat. “I uh—I saw only a little.” His eyes meet mine but slowly make their way back down to my chest. Lust lives in them, and I can’t help but feel flattered at his reaction.

“How does this seriously keep happening?”

He chuckles slightly. “I think it’s safe to say you can’t stop yourself from flashing and mooning me. Accidentally, of course.” He winks at me.

“So not funny,” I say as I slowly head back towards my room. “I’ll be out shortly,” I yell as I close the door behind me, secretly wishing I didn’t enjoy the look on his face.

* * *

Once I’mout of the shower and fully dressed, I go to find Zayn. A pot of coffee sits on the counter with a note that he’s sorry he had to go, but he got called into work.Why do we both have jobs that never end?Although to be fair, his is way worse since a fire can literally happen at any time and if he’s on call, he’s got to go.

Searching for my phone, I decide to call Mason and Natalie to see if they want to do something tonight. The three of us decide to hit up the Lake View Fall Festival held at the beginning of each fall season. I know it’s lame, but for some reason, I’ve always liked this time of year best since my name is Autumn. I’ll never admit that to anyone, though.

When we arrive, it’s packed. Most importantly, Mason and I vent to Natalie that it’s packed with . . . students.

“Oh well,” I say. “We can still have a good time. Not like anything crazy is going to go down.”

“Welcome back to a small ass town,” Mason says before laughing.

Natalie rolls her eyes. “You guys are both so dramatic.”

Mason wraps his arms around the two of us but looks at me. “Pretty sure, she just means me.”

“Oh definitely,” I tell him. Natalie shoots me a wink and a smile. It really feels good to be surrounded by my old best friends again.

“It’s whatever. Now ladies, let’s have some fun. What should we do first?” Mason asks.

Natalie points to the one thing I wish she wouldn’t. “Let’s do the Ferris wheel first,” she says.

“Yes, let’s go,” Mason says.

I begin to pull back a bit. Natalie notices and asks me, “What’s wrong?”

I sigh. “To be totally honest, I’ve never been on a Ferris Wheel. They sort of freak me out. What if it tips with us in it?”

“Wait, is it on your WOLO list with Summer?” Mason looks at me as hope fills his eyes.

I shake my head. “Sorry, but no.”

“Oh okay, well no worries, girl. We can do something else,” Natalie offers.

I start to agree when it hits me. The whole point of the WOLO list is to step outside of my comfort zone. To take risks, do things unplanned, and to stop being such a chicken about everything.

“You know what? No. Let’s go. It doesn’t matter that it isn’t on the list. I want to try it. And who better to go with than two of my best friends?” I say. Mason and Natalie each grab one of my hands excitedly.

“Woo hoo!” Mason exclaims. “Let’s do it for Summer!”
