Page 37 of Meet the Teacher

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“It’s nothing. And hey, for what it’s worth, maybe consider giving him a second chance. I’m slowly learning people really can change, for the better.” I say with a wink before grabbing the bag of weed from the coffee table.

“All right, enough with the mushy gushy stuff. We gonna get high or what?”

Zayn bursts into a fit of laughter, and I’m so excited for what the night has in store for us.

“Whoa, this list is changing you, Miss Parker.”

“It really is,” I say handing over the bag to him. I’d prefer he be the one to get the party started.

He nods before taking a seat back on the couch with the bag in his hand. Peering inside of the bag, he quickly crinkles it back up and sets it down between his legs before whipping his head back and releasing a loud sigh.

“Oh no, what’s the matter? Is there no weed in it?” I ask.

He tries to cover a chuckle with his hand, but I can clearly see a giant grin plastered across his face. He laughs. “Well, it’s not even a joint. It’s gummies.”

“Ha ha, for real?”

When he finally calms down, he says, “Technically you and Summer did only add ’Get high’ to the list, so it still counts, right?”

“Hmm. I guess that’s true. Do they even work though? I’ve never gotten high from any smoking, so gummies seem like . . . I don’t know, some kind of joke, I guess,” I explain, realizing I have no clue what I’m talking about. All those years spent hanging around affluent people who smoked and drank, and yet here I am with the street knowledge of an elementary schooler. And even they probably know more than I do nowadays.

“It sure seems like you’re doing a lot of guessing. Here, check them out,” he says, handing the bag over to me. I peek my head in the bag before reaching for the package of gummies inside.

I hold them, analyzing the package and the picture of them on the front. “They look like some knock-off version of Starbursts or something.”

He leans forward. “You’re right. They do!”

I open the box and pull a couple out. They really do look like giant Starbursts.

“Okay, so, you ready?” He asks, grabbing one from the palm of my hand.

“Ugh, I don’t know if I can do this,” I admit.

“Nerves getting the best of you, huh?”

I nod my head. “Yeah. What if I get out of control or hate the way I feel? There are so many things that could go wrong. Maybe this will be the one adventure I can’t do.”

“Don’t let your anxiety get the best of you. I promise you, it’s just one gummy. Plus, you’re with me. We’re gonna be fine. You might end up falling asleep from it anyway,” he says.

“I—I guess I’m just a little scared.” I blow out a deep breath. “You’re right, though. One gummy for Summer. She probably would have had me smoking joints with her every time we got together if I’d ever caved to her wishes.”

Zayn nods. “Your sister was quite the partier, wasn’t she?”

“Oh yeah, definitely.”

“She was never obnoxious about it, though. She really was such a free spirit,” he notes.

“Ha, for sure. She was the best sister. Never pressured me even though I know she always wished I was more adventurous like she was,” I explain. “I mean, sure, she’d give me a hard time, but she never fully judged me for not being a huge partier and risk taker like she was.”

“Nah, she liked you just the way you were. It was always obvious to everyone that you two completed each other,” he says.

I flash him a slight smile. “Yeah, she really was the yin to my yang. I guess it’s not so bad to have one little silly gummy for her. Let’s do it.”

We each hold a gummy up to our mouths.

“Wait,” he says. “I just want to say one last thing. I really don’t know why I never told you the truth. I guess perhaps I thought you’d think I was using my dad as a lame excuse to not be with you. Which looking back on it, maybe it was.” His gorgeous brown eyes lock into mine.

“I appreciate that,” I say.
