Page 41 of Meet the Teacher

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“Wow, I didn’t expect it to feelthiscold,” he admits, hesitating to put his other foot in. I nod my head in agreement.

Once both of my feet are in, I start to dance. Zayn smiles and begins swaying from side to side with his hands on his hips. “Oh my God, you’re embarrassing.”

“Oh, you mean when I do this?” He starts to do the Sprinkler and makes a squirting noise.

I snort from laughter. Trying to get a little deeper, I stop when the water hits my knees. “I think I’m getting used to the cold, except I’m definitely getting the mist from the fountain all over me.”

“Oh yeah?” he asks, splashing me with a little bit of water. “How about now?” he teases.

I gasp. “What? You jerk!” I put my hand in and begin splashing him back. He tries to dodge the water by moving more towards the center, but his head ends up right under a fish spouting water and his hair gets soaking wet. I burst into laughter.

“Oh, I see how it is. Is that funny to you, huh?” he asks playfully while brushing soaked hair out of his face. I focus on bending down to get him even more wet with another big splash, but I’m thwarted by a face full of water. I shut my eyes instinctively and yell, “Hey now! That was—” I lose my balance and fall backwards. Water splashes all around me as my butt hits the bottom of the fountain. I open my eyes to find the water up almost to my neck. My whole body is frozen, and my eyes widen to look at Zayn, who is staring at me with his jaw open. It’s obvious he thinks I’m pissed.

“Oh no, Autumn. I’m so sorry!” He comes closer to me, offering his hand to me. Instead of using his hand to help me to my feet, I flash him a mischievous smile and yank him in. He thrashes into the water next to me. Seeing him soaking wet and realizing we both probably look like a bunch of kids right now, I can’t help but laugh. Zayn lets out a chuckle and admits, “I should’ve seen that one coming.” He grabs onto one of the fish and pulls himself up. This time, he offers me his hand, but says, “I’m already wet, so this is your final offer, Miss Parker.”

I grab hold of his hand, allowing him to pull me up. Stumbling to my feet, I don’t let go of his hand until we’re face to face. I almost fall once again, but this time, my hand falls upon Zayn’s shoulder as I attempt to catch myself. It works and my eyes quickly shift to his face. My eyes widen and my lips part when I see the seriousness that’s taken over in his deep, brown eyes. My gaze can’t help itself but to fall to his lips, and my head starts spinning when I notice they’re moving towards me. I close my eyes and allow his lips to take hold of mine. I’m soaking wet and freezing, but his mouth is warm, and his lips feel like pillows against mine. I turn my head, allowing his tongue to meet mine. The kiss feels both electric and familiar all at once. And I swear I’m floating in this fountain.

Zayn pulls away from me, gauging my reaction. My jaw drops. I’m torn between wanting to kiss him again and slapping him.

“Was that okay?” he asks.

I nod, probably looking as giddy as a little kid in a candy store. I bite my lower lip in protest.

“Okay, good. I want to make sure you feel comfortable enough to tell me if not. Like, if it’s not cool, I get it. Let me know, and I won’t do it ag—”

“Zayn,” I interrupt. “Just shut up. It’s fine. Now kiss me again.” Instinct takes over and I grab his collar, pulling him in.

The taste of his mouth is magical—a combination of minty and sweet. I move my fingers through his wet hair, catching a whiff of his fresh shampoo as if he’d just stepped out of a shower. His hands make their way to my midriff, rubbing slowly. I tremble, dying for his fingers to explore further. I’m aroused and filled with warmth despite being freezing a second earlier. His tongue exits my mouth, and he bites my lower lip with a low growl. I breathe out a slight moan.

Someone in the distance yells, “Hey, you two get out of the fountain!”

I pull away from Zayn, eyes wide.

“Oh shit,” we both say in unison, hopping out of the fountain. We quickly grab our belongings off the bench and make a barefoot run for it.

Once we make our way around the corner onto another street, we pause to catch our breath in front of a closed-down Blockbuster. “You okay?” he asks.

Laughter takes over. “Yeah, I’m fine. I forgot we were in a fountain, honestly, til that guy hollered at us.”

Zayn grins from ear to ear. “Same here.”

“So should we get dressed and call it a night for real this time?”

He nods before saying, “Let’s head into a convenience store real quick and dry off a bit.”

“Good idea,” I say. I start to think about how I haven’t lived here in over a decade, and shouldn’t recognize as much as I do, but the roads are as familiar as if I never left.

Once inside, we make our way straight back to the bathrooms, trying not to draw any further attention to ourselves.

“Okay, meet me back out here when you’re done?” I say before ducking into the women’s restroom.

“Will do,” he says heading a bit further down the hall.

In the restroom, I head over to the hand dryer, standing directly underneath it and allowing the hot air to blow over me. I’m slightly tempted to put my mouth under here to see if I can make it look all crazy weird, but I probably shouldn’t.Wait, am I still high? The thought crosses my mind.Was I ever actually high? My mind starts to wander to the phone call with Liam right before the fountain kisses with Zayn.That was real, right?

Someone walks in so I decide I’m probably as dry as I can be, and I make my way back out into the store.

I notice Zayn up near the register in line.
