Page 47 of Meet the Teacher

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The girl begins grinding on him to the music. “Hey, now I’m finally getting a little somewhere tonight.” I watch as he licks his lips.

And . . . I’m done.

My tongue wretches out as if I really might lose my salmon salad, and I head out for some fresh air.

When I reach the front porch, I see an old wooden swing. I glance around, checking to make sure I’m alone before taking a seat on it. The older I get, the more I lose the need to be surrounded by a sea of people all the time.

The swing reminds me of the one at my parents’ house. I close my eyes, breathing in the salty air. My thoughts fly to Summer and the time we’d spent reading or talking on the porch swing, sometimes arguing over what we should do next. The slight ocean breeze blows my hair behind me. I smile. I really have missed this place.

“Hey,” a voice says. “Where’s your date?”

I open my eyes and scoot over for Zayn to sit next to me on the swing.

When he does, I explain, “His name is Adam. He’s still inside actually. Hitting on some girl.”

“No way.” His hand makes a tight fist.

“Yes way.” I wave my hand in front of me. “It’s fine. He reminds me so much of Liam. Well . . . worse, actually. So, I’m not even that upset to be honest.”

“Yeah, you definitely don’t need another douchebag in your life. You do seem to attract them, though.”

I elbow him playfully. “I sure do.”

“Oof. I walked right into that one, didn’t I?”

We both laugh, and he puts his arm on the back of the swing. As if on cue, I lean back into the crevice between his arm and chest.

He uses his legs to keep us in motion and we sit in silence together on the porch while the music from the party thumps.

An idea strikes. “Hey, want to go on a WOLO adventure?” I ask.

His lips part and eyebrows raise. “Right now? Are you sure?”

“Yeah. You in or what?” I stand up from the swing, extending a hand for him.

“Sure, I’m in. What’d ya have in mind?” he asks.

I walk away, pulling him behind me. “It’s a surprise. Tell ya when we get there.” I pause to look at him. “Wait, are you cool to drive? I don’t have my car. Adam drove us here.”

“You know I’d drive you anywhere, anytime,” he says pulling out his keys from his pocket with his free hand.

“Perfect. Then you drive, and I’ll tell you where to go.”

He follows my command with no questions. We hop into the truck, and he starts the ignition. “Alright, missy. Tell me where to go.”

* * *

“Okay, turn left here,”I direct to Zayn. Checking the time, I see it’s already after midnight.

“Alright, turn right here,” I say.

He makes the turn. “So, are you going to tell me why we’re going to the Friedman House? I thought you could only get in if you had a big event booked or something.”

“Hmm maybe we can find parking over there,” I suggest. He drives his truck around the grass parking lot of the house, searching for a parking spot.

“This place is packed. Is it your parents’ anniversary party?” He manages to find a spot and pulls in. “Yes! Found one.” He turns off the truck’s engine and looks at me. “You going to tell me what kind of event this is or what?”

“Come on, loser. No time for questions. We’re already late. Let’s go,” I say, hopping out of the truck and closing its door behind me. Zayn follows my lead as I head towards the live music.
