Page 48 of Meet the Teacher

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“The band is good,” he says, practically yelling to make sure I can hear him. I watch him as he moves his head along to the beat, swaying his shoulders to the music.He really is so cute, I admit to myself.Just friends, Autumn. Just friends.

We finally reach the large gazebo that’s attached to the historical home. My eyes glance over at Zayn to see if he’s figured out where we are yet.

“Wow, it’s gorgeous,” I tell him, mesmerized by the twinkling strands of lights hanging above the dancing crowd.

“Well, this is quite the party,” he says. “Wanna dance?” He extends a hand to mine, palm up.

I grit my teeth. “Ummm, I’m not sure about that. I’m pretty clumsy.”

“Me too, but who cares? Everyone’s too busy dancing and having a good time to notice us. And if they do, we will totally rock it as the goofy couple of the evening.” He raises his eyebrows and flashes puppy dog eyes at me.

“Fine.” I accept his hand and follow his lead out onto the dance floor. I don’t know the song, but it’s a catchy enough beat to do my usual hip-swaying and shoulder-shifting, one-arm-above-my-head dance move on repeat. I started dancing like this in my college days, and I don’t think I’ve ever done a different move since.

Zayn’s goofy dancing is so adorable that I can’t help but laugh.

He points at me and says, “You laughing at me over there?”

“I might be,” I tease. Sure enough, he starts mimicking my moves. A loud laugh that hurts my cheeks erupts from my mouth. “You can’t imitate these suave dance moves of mine,” I say. I start dancing emphatically, attempting a twerk.

“Oh, we twerkin’ now, are we?” Zayn places his palms down on the wood floor of the gazebo and shakes his booty like Miley Cyrus on stage in 2013. A crowd forms around us, clapping and cheering him on.

Tears of laughter stream down my face. I bend over, clutching my stomach as cramps settle in. “Zayn!” I yell, half embarrassed and half impressed.

He comes up from the floor and tosses his sweaty hair to the side. Completing ignoring the crowd surrounding us, he asks, “Don’t lie. Wasn’t that the best twerk you’ve ever seen in your life?”

I laugh, struggling to catch my breath. I shake my head and say, “I truly cannot take you seriously right n—”

“Oh my God,” a voice from behind interrupts me. “Well, if it isn’t Autumn Parker!” I turn around. She must be able to see the guilt written across my face. “What the hell are you doing here?” The music quiets and the room pauses to focus on us. Me. Zayn. And the angry bride I’ve pissed up by showing up uninvited.

“Oh, uh—hi, Veronica,” I say while awkwardly giving a tiny wave. “Congrats?”

Veronica steps toward me and Zayn in her white wedding dress. “You. And Zayn Mitchell . . . really?” Her eyes narrow in disgust. Veronica waves a hand in the air. “Ugh, whatever. Both of you need to leave. Now.” Her hand makes her way to her hip, indicating she’s waiting for us to leave any time now.

Zayn tosses his hands up in the air in total innocence. “Veronica, you do look lovely.” He then looks to the groom. “Best of luck to ya, man.”

I grab hold of one of Zayn’s hands and, together, we flee the dance floor. I let him take the reigns as we navigate through the crowd. The feeling of the eyes of everyone in the room remain upon us. We reach the couple of steps, leading us off the porch of the house and make our way back out into the dark parking lot, which is only lit with one fading streetlight and the stars above.

I let go of Zayn’s hand and rest it across my chest. When I catch my breath, I tell him, “Sorry about that. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to crash Veronica’s wedding.”

“Not a good idea,” Zayn says in between breaths. “It was thebestidea you’ve had yet! The look on that bitch’s face was priceless, Autumn.”

“I know, but I feel bad. I’d have been pissed if someone crashed my wedding. That’s why I thought we’d play it safe with one of your friends’ weddings,” I joke.

“Yeah, my friends would’ve just offered us a round of drinks on them. They’re very laid back.” He tells me as we walk closer to the truck. “Honestly, this was a good call. Veronica was so rude to everyone in high school, but especially to you. She had it coming.”

I’m shocked by his words. “You noticed how bitchy she was to me back then?”

“Oh yeah, for sure. It was totally uncalled for. I hope she’s changed now or else that guy is in for a not-so-great surprise,” Zayn says.

I nod my head in agreement. “You know, when you say things that way, change really isn’t always so frightening.”

He looks at me with wide eyes. Cupping his hands around his mouth, he begins to shout into the abyss of the night. “Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you . . . Autumn Parker having a breakthrough. A true epiphany. She sees the bright side of change!”

I smack him on the side of his shoulder. “Shut up,” I say.

He smirks. “You really have changed a lot, you know? In agoodway, Autumn. Change can be good.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. Change can be good, but it still makes me anxious. We can’t all be Mr. Easy-Going, living a life free from anxiety,” I say folding my arms across my chest.

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